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Definitions of Square Dance Calls and Concepts
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Interlocked Counter -- [C3B] 
author unknown
Ceder Chest Definition of Interlocked Counter

 From a 3/4 Line, 3/4 Tag, or other applicable formations. Outsides Counter (Cast Back, Touch 1/2, and Step & Fold) as Centers Once Removed Cast Off 3/4 and (normal) Counter Rotate 1/4. A R-H 3/4 Line ends in Parallel L-H Waves; a L-H 3/4 Line ends in Parallel L-H Two-Faced Lines.  EN: 766
 Aus einer 3/4 Line, 3/4 Tag, oder anderen passenden Formationen. Die Outsides tanzen ein Counter, während die Centers ein Once Removed Cast Off 3/4 und ein (normales) Counter Rotate 1/4 tanzen. Der Once Removed Cast Off 3/4 wird als Back-to-Back Slither & Cast Off 3/4 getanzt.  JP: 766
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 Från en 3/4 Line, 3/4 Tag, eller andra tillämpliga formationer. Outsides Counter (Cast Back, Touch 1/2, och Step & Fold) medan Centers Once Removed Cast Off 3/4 och (normal) Counter Rotate 1/4. A R-H 3/4 Line ends in Parallel L-H Waves; a L-H 3/4 Line ends in Parallel L-H Two-Faced Lines.  SE: 766
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 Z formací 3/4 Line, 3/4 Tag a dalších vhodných. Outsides Counter (Cast Back, Touch 1/2, a Step & Fold). Centers Once Removed Cast Off 3/4 a (normalní) Counter Rotate 1/4. R-H 3/4 Line končí v Parallel L-H Waves; L-H 3/4 Line končí v Parallel L-H Two-Faced Lines.  CZ: 766
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592 Interlocked Counter [C3B]
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14-March-2025 00:51:40
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