  1. A2V
  2. C4
  3. Calls at a particular level
  4. MISC
  5. "V" levels
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    What is the different between A2 and A2V?

    Calls listed at A2 are the standard A2 calls, corresponding to the Callerlab A2 list.

    Calls listed at A2V are variations of those calls, or calls that are used at that level but are not explicitly on the list.

    For example, A2V currently contains:

    • (Pass & Roll) But (anything)
    • (The Windmill) (dir) But (anything)
    • All 8 Swing & Mix
    • Grand Remake

    A1V contains:

    • (Cast A Shadow) Don't Spread
    • Couple Of 3 CONCEPT
    • Ignore (anyone) For (anything)
    • Replace (any) With (any) CONCEPT
    • Start (A) CONCEPT

    For example, at A1, I believe callers might want to say 'Some work as a couple of 3, all 1/4 Thru'. The A1V concept 'Couple of 3' allows this.

    CSDS requires that each and every call, concept, identifier, numeric, modifier, etc. be on a list.

    You can display what is on a list from the CSDS main menu via List | View a Level.

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    I have noticed that the C4 level is divided into C4A, C4B, ..., C4G. I must admit I know nothing about C4 (I dance C1), but is the division into A, B, ... , G a commonly known way of subdividing the C4 level?

    I divide C4 into 7 subsets. Many other callers have their own divisions.

    At C4, callers can call whatever they want (within reason), and many callers maintain their own lists.

    Calls at a particular level
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    How do I display all the calls for a particular level?

    There are two ways:

    1. From the main menu, select 'List' followed by 'Edit levels'. Highlight the desired level, then click on 'View Level'.
    2. From the main menu, select 'List' followed by 'New List' or by 'Edit List'. Select a list. When the 'Edit A List' screen appears, highlight the desired level within the right-side scrolling list box, and click the 'View Level' button.

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    How about the level-name MISC - I suppose it means "miscellaneous", but what is it used for?

    Level MISC (Miscellaneous) contains items that aren't exactly calls. For example, MISC contains numbers, fractions, formations, identifiers, directions, and odd-ball calls.

    Level MISC exists because every phrase typed into CSDS must be parsed to determine it's content and meaning.

    "V" levels
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    What is the meaning of the letter "V" in the various levels I can choose from when creating a new sequence database? For example, what is the difference between MS and MSV?

    "V" following a level indicates calls or concepts that are used at that level but are not explicitly on the list.

    For example, the MSV level currently contains:
    (anything) On (n-th hand) CONCEPT
    (Cross Trail Thru) To The Corner
    Cast (Right|Left) (fract)
    Centers Out
    Do Your Part CONCEPT
    Face (dir)
    Partner Hinge
    Stir The Bucket
    Yellow Rock

    These calls are not explicitly on the list but are often used at that level.

    To see what is on a particular level, from the CSDS main menu, select 'List | View a Level' then select the desired level.

    The letter "V" stands for "Variant".

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