We were workshopping the October '99 Berkshires, and we have a question.
From facing lines with the boys on the end, you called "Straight Shuffle and Wheel".
What's your thinking on how to execute this call?
The In-Facing Belle replaces the Cross Fold with a Crossover Circulate.
- My 'version' of Straight is:
- In-Facing Ends who do a Cross Fold action replace it with a Crossover Circulate action.
I have used straight with:
- Ah So
- Central Interlocked Little
- Central Interlocked Rally
- Connect The Diamond
- Cross Pair The Line
- Cross Sashay
- Curl Apart
- Curl Thru
- Cycle & Wheel
- Diamond Recycle
- Ends Cross Fold
- Ends Cross Swivel
- Recycle
- Shuffle & Wheel
- Wheel & Deal
I supposed I could also use it with Rewind "Z" Axle :-)