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Adding an Event - Unable to accept dates
I can't get the submit form to accept dates. The instructions seem to call for

Begin: 2002-10-11 End: 2002-10-12.

(Starting October 11, ending October 12 2002) but it won't accept this.
Am I reading this wrong?

The dates specified above should work. (Just in case there was a problem, I did a cut and paste with the above dates and experienced no problem adding a new event).

Other possibilities why it may not have worked:

  1. One of the dates may have contained a space character, or an underscore may have been used instead of a hyphen.
  2. The event may not have been accepted because one of the required fields (i.e., begin date, event name, country, e-mail contact, and PIN) was not specified.

In any case, after the form has been filled out, press the 'Add New Record' button (near the bottom of the page). Either a confirmation message (e.g., "Thank you for adding a record to the Event Database...") or an error message (e.g., "Unable to add a record because...") is then returned.

If you are still unable to add an event, please tell me exactly what the error message is.

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