From a 1x8 with split inverted lines (v^^v^vv^). The call 1/2 Here Comes the Judge ends with an ajustment to a split phantom boxes type setup. My feeling is a center column of 6 with one person in each of the outside columns or a 12 matrix setup. Both your program (CSDS) and SD do the same thing.
CSDS does
Here Comes The Judge in this manner because the call is not defined (in the list database) as a space-invading call, hence the program assumes that the ending formation must be centered on the same center point.
However, I somewhat agree that perhaps it should end with a Center Column of 6. It's controversial. If I was dancing and someone called it, I probably wouldn't make a fuss either way at whatever the caller wanted just as long as I could determine the desired ending formation from the next call. (E.g., the next call had better be either "Triple Box something" or "Center Column of 6 something")
Ceder Chest Definition of Here Comes The Judge