Lynette said:
Vic has some disagreement with the above two calls. I understood
what it was and quit calling them, but don't remember the reason
Please tell me what you think.
Central means that dancers are to do the Center's part of a call. If you look at Percolate, it can be done from many different formations, such as an Eight Chain Thru (in which case the Center's part is to Circulate 1 & 1/2 and do a Turn Thru), Facing Lines (in which case the Centers Circulate 1 & 1/2, become part of the center wave, & do a Hinge & Cross), and Parallel Waves (in which case two of the original centers gets to do the Turn Thru, and two of the original centers get to do the Hinge & Cross). When Central Percolate is called I don't know what to do.
After talking to Lynette back & forth with several e-mail messages, I finally asked her "What is the Centers part of a Circulate?". She replied with something like: "I don't know. I guess I shouldn't call Central Percolate any more".
In summary, when the caller calls a Central Percolate, I know what they want, but it feels wrong. Perhaps we need a concept such as Piecewise (Piecewise Central Percolate?) in order to make it legitimate?
A similar problem is when a caller calls something like Cross Concentric Counterpoint, where they want the Centers to do the centers part of the call but end on the outside, and they want the outsides to do the outsides part of the call but end in the center. I know what they want, but it isn't 100 percent correct. We probably need a concept for kind of choreo too.