Note #1: for calls that require less than 8 dancers to do the call (e.g., Right & Left Thru), the snapshot database only contains the call from positions with the minimal number of dancers (for Right & Left Thru, there are 3 snapshot records: 1) from Facing Couples; 2) from a R-H Wave; and 3) from a hybrid Facing Couples / R-H Wave.). The program uses these 3 records to extrapolate the call to be done from Eight Chain Thru, Facing Lines, R-H Tidal Wave, etc.
Note #2: some 4-dancer calls (usually box-to-box calls such as Single Checkmate, Shake & Rattle, Swap Around, etc.) are hardcoded into the program, and do not have any snapshot records. This is also the case with calls such as Press, Loop, Truck, Curve, etc.