To solve your problem, you must
You need to go through all entries in the music database, setting the 'Patter (P)' flag for all your hash music, and setting the 'Singing call (S)' flag for all your singing calls. If a piece of music is used both for hash and singing, then set both flags.
The first button is labeled 'F1 Filter...'. This button allows you to set filter buttons F2 thru F9.
The last button is labeled 'F10 All'. When this button is pressed, all music within the database or quick list is displayed.
Filter buttons F2 thru F9 display a subset of the database or quick list. For example, you could set F2 to display all your favorite hash music (e.g., 'Patter (P) + Rating=5 (Excellent)').
To set a filter button, press the 'F1 Filter...' button.
To set the F2 filter button to be 'Patter (P)', do the following:
To set the F3 filter button to be 'Singing call (S)', do the following:
Press the 'OK' button to exit the 'Music Filter' dialog box.
You can now press F2 to display all your hash music, or press F3 to display all your singing call music.
If you do not yet utilize the 'Quick List', you should experiment with it too. The Quick List is used as follows... Before the dance, go into the Music Database, and, one by one, highlight the music you wish to call at the dance and press the 'Quick Add' button. This adds the music to the quick list. When you're calling the dance, use the 'Quick List' instead of the 'Music Database' when you wish to load music.