Can Cloverleaf be done from Mini-Wave Columns, Out-Facing Lines, Starting DPT? Recently, I danced to a caller who was using it this way.
In my opinion, the caller is incorrectly using the call Cloverleaf.
For Cloverleaf, dancers move away from the center of the set, not from the Center of the Box. For instance, consider 'Heads Pass Thru' followed by 'Heads Cloverleaf'. They do not work in the Center Box (that is, they do not end in the center). They also do not work in their own (split) box of 4 (that is, they do not cloverleaf away from the center of their split box). They cloverleaf away from the center of the set.
The caller is (incorrectly) assuming that Cloverleaf is the same as the (now C4 call) Peel The Deal, which starts in a Mini-Wave Box or Tandem Couples, and ends in a Starting Single DPT formation.