Magic Lickety Split
After looking at the 1996 edition of the
Ceder Chest and on your website, we can't figure out why, on a Magic Lickety Split, girl #1 winds up facing "north". If it were an ordinary Lickety Split, she would wind up in
the "northwest" corner facing "south". Taking the magic circulate path (cross over when going between the center 4 and outside 4) it's clear why she winds up in the "southwest" corner, but it's not clear why she got turned around.
The lady in question (the #2 position in the column)
does a 'Magic Split Counter Rotate 1/4'.
On Magic Split Counter Rotate 1/4,
Trailers do the equivalent of a
Magic Column Circulate & 1/4 In. The
justification of this is that the
Trailers follow the back of the person
in front of them, just as they would
on a normal Split Counter Rotate 1/4.
From normal Magic Columns,
Magic Split Counter Rotate 1/4
ends in Parallel Two-Faced Lines.
Ceder Chest Definition of Lickety Split