Calls are often called from starting formations other than
what is specified in the definition. The starting
formations in the definition is often regarded only as a suggested standard starting formation.
- Do you think a Track 0 is legal from any of these
starting formations?
- Starting DPT
- parallel 2 faced lines
- parallel RH/LH waves
- RH/LH columns
- A tandem trade can be called from any of the above.
A Track 0 has no extend, so it dosn't matter
that we can't extend when starting from some of the above formations.
Even more evil: how about Track 1 from parallel waves. It would end in a 3/4 tag. Or Track 2 from RH/HL columns, ending in a tidal column! Is any of this legal (not necessarily moral)?
My 'gestalt' of the call would allow Track 0 to be called from
Tandem Couples (Starting DPT or Parallel 2FL), but not from
Mini-Wave Boxes (Waves or Columns). Personally, I wouldn't call
it from any of those formations. I would be annoyed if a caller
called Track (n) from a Mini-Wave Box formation.
As for your evil suggestions, I don't particularly care for them.
Ceder Chest Definition of Track n