Then he called it from LEFT-hand two-faced lines. Our square did the same as from right-handed 2FL's and ended in a starting DPT formation. Another square did the Turn and Deal first then the original outfacers pass thru, ending in a completed DPT formation.
Myy question to you is "From a Left-hand two-faced lines how is it done? And if it is differant than from a right-handed 2FL, why and what is the rule?
So, from Parallel R-H 2FLs, on a Stretch Turn & Deal, each side does the Turn & Deal (to end in an Eight Chain Thru) BUT, those ending in the Center must end in the far Center (from the Eight Chain Thru formation they could 'backup' past each other a la Un-Pass Thru). Since the aforementioned traffic pattern of backing up past each other is horrendous, the 'Stretch' concept says that those doing the 'stretch' should do so whenever it is most convenient while executing the call. So ,from Parallel R-H 2FLs for a Stretch Turn & Deal, the Trailers do an 'As Couples Extend' before doing the Turn & Deal.
From Parallel L-H 2FLs, Turn & Deal ends in a Trade By formation because dancers pass right-shoulders with each other. In this case, on a Stretch Turn & Deal, those doing the 'stretch' do so at the end of the call by doing a Pass Thru to end in the far Center.
In practice, Stretch Turn & Deal is rarely done from Parallel L-H 2FL.
Stretch Turn & Deal can also be done from a 1x8. For example, from a L-H Tidal Wave a Stretch Turn & Deal amounts to (each side) Turn & Deal then the resulting Centers Slither to end in the far Center.
Our definition of the Stretch concept: