I've encountered a problem when doing a proofread. From normal facing lines of four I can't get "Centers Sashay" to work. It changes 'Sashay' to 'Sas' and a popup says
Parse error(s) encountered:
Line 5 has unkown tokens: SAS
If I say "Centers Rollaway" it works, but I want to use the term "Centers Sashay".
Can you help me with this?
The 'correct' term is HALF SASHAY. The call 'Sashay' is not
implemented in CSDS. It is a very old call, and basically
amounts to a sideways dosado, equivalent to a HALF SASHAY Twice.
For example,
Heads Lead Right,
Circle To A Line,
Right & Left Thru,
Centers Half Sashay,
All Square Thru 3,
1/2 Tag,
Right & Left Grand