I was in the 1x4, and didn't know where to go. So, I just went to the empty spot!!
When the set was over, I questioned our caller. He said that if you end up in a 1x4, perpendicular to the other dancers, you just step back slightly and then go to the nearest spot where the former leads are pointing to.
My question to you is: is our caller's answer the right answer?
A friend of mine ran this sequence through your program and it gave an error message:
Heads Pair Off, Mirror Touch, Checkerbox Swap The Top
Any response would be appreciated.
Checker Box Swap The Top can't be done from that formation. There is no precedence for stepping forward -- you could just as well step backward. Those doing the Swap the Top must be able to end in a distorted wave. Stepping forward nullifies this and gives a distorted box, not a distorted wave.
Checker Box Swap The Top is possible from a T-Bone formation.