I had a dancer that went to a dance weekend. The caller called
Double Cloverleaf. I'm not familiar with this call. It was
called without a teach. Do you know this call? She couldn't tell
me the starting or ending position, so I'm at a loss.
Thanks for your help with this matter,
I have no clue what a 'Double Cloverleaf' is. It isn't used at Challenge,
and it is not listed in any of my usual sources. I suppose
I could search thru many years of Bill Davis's SCVCA notes,
but I don't think I'll bother.
I like the fact that it was called without a teach!
It makes it all the more challenging! :-)
I'd venture to make two guesses, however:
From Completed DPT: Cloverleaf; Double Pass Thru; Cloverleaf.
From Completed DPT: Cloverleaf; Peel The Deal (a box of 4
Peel The Deal [C4] (Vic Andrews 1963 -- dropped from C3B in 1996): From a Mini-Wave Box or Tandem Couples.
As one movement, Leaders Peel Off and Roll and Step Ahead as Trailers follow the Leaders in Tandem
(i.e., Step Ahead, Peel Off, & Roll). Ends in a Single Double Pass Thru.