From a line of 4 facing out can Phantom Square Thru 3 be called and expect all the dancers to work with their own Phantoms and expect them to have facing lines at the end?
As such, your instance certainly follows the general idea of Phantom.
However, since C1 dancers usually only do Phantoms from the formation obtained from parallel lines after some of the dancers hinge, dancers may not immediately recognize where the phantoms are. Extra helper words may assist here.
By the way, I call this instance at C1 occasionally, and preface it with the following helper words: "With the Phantoms You're Facing...". I also do things from Out-Facing Lines such as "With the Phantoms You're Facing: Right & Left Thru; (then) With the Same Phantoms: Pass The Ocean". As long as you start with normal couples, the success rate is close to 100%.