Examples are Initially Stable Swing Thru from a right hand column... one caller thought it valid and another said that a Swing Thru could never be called in a column.
Also, Initially Stable Swing Thru from a right hand wave... does stable make it ends and centers rather than right and left hands?
Initially requires you to re-evaluate after the first part of the call. Hence, from R-H Columns, an Initially Stable Swing Thru is a Stable Right-Arm Turn 1/2 (back-to-back half-sashay) to end in L-H Columns, followed by a Left-Arm Turn 1/2, also to end in L-H Columns.
Parts-related concepts such as Initially (also Finally, Oddly, Evenly, etc.) require a re-evaluation after each part.
Initially Stable Swing Thru can be done from just a R-H Mini-Wave. It would be a Stable Right Arm Turn 1/2 (exchange places by sliding back-to-back); then a Stable Left Arm Turn 1/2 (again, exchange places by sliding back-to-back). A terrible traffic pattern, that, if used at all, should only be used as a gimmick.