so the caller has the girls sashay and then head men in for a teacup chain.... and at the end of that my partner (a girl) is on my left. Then he calls an Allemande Left.... so who is my corner??? am I doing it 1) with the person I think is my partner who also happens to be on my left? or do I do it 2) with the person on my right that would appear to be my corner. Note that after that the caller called a wrong way grand, so clearly he was thinking we should do option #2. thanks a lot
Allemande Left, and Right And Left Grand are sex-dependent calls.
On Allemande Left, Boys use the Girl clockwise to them for a Left Arm turn (usually 1/2, but can be 1/4 or 3/4), and drop hands to face counter clockwise around the circle; similarly, on Right And Left Grand, Boys move counter clockwise around the circle.