. . 2B> 2G> 3G< 3B> 1B< 1G> 4G< 4B< . .He called Checkerbox Touch 1/4 and wanted the Boys to Trade while the Girls Z Touch 1/4 (in effect). I queried it with him and he said you were OK with it. It does seem to give rise to some interesting possibilities. However I always thought that the idea was to start and end with a 2x4. I note your definition refers to "other appropriate formations" but later refers to ending with 2x4s. If your intention is that the above starting formation is legitimate and that the Girls simply Z Touch 1/4 (while the Boys Trade), then that doesn't seem to be covered adequately by the current definition (which specifically refers to a 2x4 ending formation). Hence my question.
The general idea is "those facing out, who are sort of in lines, Trade; as the others do the given call in a distorted formation." Of course, as with any distorted formation call, dancers must end on footprint spots.
I have used Checker from: