Would you call zoom from lines facing in. I believe that would make everyone trailers?
No, I would not call Zoom from Facing Lines. I try to always call using the lowest possible terms to get the action that I desire -- that is, I'd call Pass Thru. It's less confusing, it's what the dancers expect, you'll have no problems. Similarly, I would never call Acey Deucey from a Completed Double Pass Thru.
But, on the other hand, if you're doing a workshop, or in-depth teach, it would be appropriate to call Zoom from Facing Lines, to help the dancers fully understand the call.
Zoom is a 4-dancer call, usually done from Tandem Couples.
Zoom can also be done by 2-dancers with a point of reference...
From Parallel Lines, you could have just the Ends Zoom.
Also from Twin Diamonds...just the Ends Zoom.
Instead of using degenerative formations such as Facing Lines...
try a sequence such as the following:
Heads Star Thru
Just the Boys Zoom
all Double Pass Thru
Just the Girls Zoom
Leaders Trade
Allemande Left
You also might call Zoom from Mini-Wave Columns... another, uh... "crowd pleaser".
And, then, there's also "Centers Zoom" from Columns (where of course only the center 4 do the call in the middle).
Other things to do with Zoom:
- 1/2 Zoom;
- Zoom 1 & 1/2;
- From Promenade... you can say "Heads Zoom"...(a gimmick to fix an out-of-sequence promenade)
Oh, yes, and, of course... please avoid calling "Centers Zoom" unless you actually want the centers to do the call in the center.