I first learned the teacup chain as a little girl back in 1969. Do you know if it was ever done without hands and without the men doing anything?
There are MANY variations of Teacup Chain.
Sat. night, the caller called...
Side Ladies Chain 3/4 (Head Boy turn 'em);
Girls (put your arms around each other and) act as a Couple:
Head Ladies Center for a Teacup Chain.
- All Four Ladies Center for a Teacup Chain (all do the "head ladies part");
- Everybody Rollaway, Head Boy Center (and Side Boy Right) for a Teacup Chain;
- For the mirror image of the call, it is a Bearmug Chain (Head Boy center with L-H...);
- There's Teacup Like A Daisy... where the girls progress forward 2 boys, then back one boy,
then forward 2 boys, then back one boy, then forward 2 boys... until eventually, after many many
beats, arriving with original boy.
For more variations, look here: