From facing lines boys centers girls ends: Slide thru;
Any hand remake (remake being a 2 cpl call, except in Thars/Alamos);
The first two parts seem clear.
But, for inside couples, who push casts around whom?
I was under the impression the couples closest to the centers has the end acting as the pivot. Or, is it the other way?
What if the call is Grand Remake, making it no longer a 2 cpl call?
From Columns, ANY HAND REMAKE is done in each box, and from the starting formation mentioned above (L-H Magic Columns), everybody does an Arm Turn 1/2, Centers of each side Partner Trade, then (push) Cast Off 3/4 (by pushing away from the center of the Line of 4). Ends in an Eight Chain Thru formation.
If the call is ANY HAND GRAND REMAKE, the final push cast is still relative to the center of each line of 4. Ends in an Eight Chain Thru formation.