One part of the club thinks it should be a normal Do Paso (as per definition). The other part thinks that you turn your partner left then walk past your corner to turn your opposite by the right, before returning again passing your corner to courtesy turn your original partner.
My view is that in the standard squared formation Do Paso is and eight people call, not a four people call and therefore the normal Do Paso should be performed.
That being said, you can certainly do a 4-dancer of the call, using the A2 concept ALL FOUR COUPLES. I would not use the words "All Eight" as there's definite confusion, as these words are often superfluously inserted into call names (e.g., All Eight Circulate; All Eight Motivate, etc.).
ALL FOUR COUPLES Dopaso, certainly, in my opinion invokes the A2 concept, and is more indicative of the movement than ALL EIGHT. ALL EIGHT is usually reserved for when dancers work thru the center or some through the center as others work around the outside. ALL FOUR COUPLES is generally used when everyone works around the outside, or at least for the first part of the call. In my opinion, ALL FOUR COUPLES is the correct term, rather than ALL EIGHT, when used with Dopaso.