What's the definition for the centers initial part of Walk the Clover -
hinge or arm turn 1/4?
Walk The Clover is a screwy call, in the sense that,
the starting formation is either Parallel Waves or Trade By,
and the action is slightly different.
- My definition currently reads as follows:
- In-Facing Dancers Step To A Wave, Hinge, then Walk & Dodge, as
- Out-Facing Dancers Cloverleaf.
This matches the Jay King definition, and differs from Burlesons
in they say an Arm Turn 1/4.
As for it's use with initially, is the first part step to a wave?
I dunno. This is not something I'd want to call.
My guess is that if I was dancing, and initially was used...
- from a 3/4 Line, I'd expect the first part for the centers to be a Hinge;
- from a Trade By, perhaps Centers Initially As Couples, all Walk The
Clover might be a Centers As Couples Step to a Wave, then PARTNER HINGE,
then walk & dodge?
I guess, I'd make a decision on the fly and make an educated guess as to
what the caller wants.
Walk the Clover is screwy.
I've seen it called from:
- L-H Waves
- R-H Waves
- Trade By
- L-H 3/4 Tag
- R-H 3/4 Tag
and maybe other formations:
- 3/4 Line?
- T-Bone formations (above formations with centers rotated 90 degrees).
I've even called from here:
- Start in Facing Lines, then do a Lines Pass The Ocean Thru.
- I think the rule is:
- In-Facers Extend or Touch if necessary,
- then Outsides Cloverleaf as Centers HINGE (eek) and Walk & Dodge.
I've never particularly liked the fuzziness of this definition.