When selected as
From, dancers must end at their original home positions.
Sw The Fract (1/2W3r)
Zero Box (B1c) - the formation obtained from a static set after Heads Square Thru 4.
Zero Line (L1p) - the formation obtained from a static set after Heads Lead Right
then Circle To A Line.
Zero Wave (W1c) - the formation obtained from a zero box after Step To A Wave.
Progressive Squares - see Specialty Squares - Progressive Squares
Kaleidoscope Squares - Roth
Kaleidoscepe Squares - Vic
Tandem Squares
Contra - Improper - "grand eight chain thru" formation
Contra - Becket -"grand facing lines" formation
Sicilian Circle
Triangle - the 3-couple version of hex squares
Exploding Squares - see Specialty Squares - Exploding Squares
Author - the author of the sequences contained in the database.
List - the list currently associated with this database.
A list allows you to do frequency counts of calls used within the database,
and also allows you to determine which calls you haven't yet used while
writing sequences.
The button allows you to create a new list.
The button clears the use counts within the list.
Default Difficulty - the default level of difficulty for sequences
within the database. When a new sequence is written, it is initially assigned
this difficulty level.
Default frame background color - the default frame backgound color when
the sequence is displayed within Call From Screen.
The button allows you to select a frame background color.
Flags tab
Specifies flags associated with this database.
Intro to level
Ignore this database - when checked, the database is skipped during
'Sequence | Proofread | All databases' and
'Sequence | Find several sequences'. This flag should be set for test or debug databases.
Comments tab
Printer tab
Big header - displayed at the top of the page when the sequence is printed in 'Normal' mode.
The big header is typically the level of the sequence (e.g., Basic, MS, Plus, A1).
Little header - displayed immediately beneath the primary header when the sequence is printed
in 'Normal' mode. The secondary header is typically the type of sequence (e.g., Singing call, Workshop,
Intro To A2).