Sequence Database Properties dialog box specifies the properties
for a sequence database.
Database - the name of the sequence database (1 to 8 characters).
To rename a sequence database:
Return to the main menu and select 'Sequence | All sequence databases'
Select the sequence database
From the menu select 'Database | Rename database'
Index range - the range of sequence indices in this database.
Description - a description of the sequences within the database.
button invokes the Windows Properties dialog box for the database.
OK - closes this window, saving changes.
Cancel - closes this window, without saving changes.
General tab
Dancers - the number of dancers required for the sequences in this database.
2 - two facing dancers, opposite sex
4 - two facing couples
6 - rectangle - six dancers (4 heads, 2 sides)
6 - couples 1,2,3 - couple #1, #2, and #3 only
6 - triangle - the 3-couple version of hex squares
Starting formation, other than squared set, can be selected
via Module From (see below)
12 - rectangle - eight heads, four sides
12 - hex
16 - two squares - two adjacent squares
Maximum level - the maximum level for sequences within the database.
If a call is entered which parses to a level outside the maximum level, a warning message appears.
For example, if you are writing an A1 dance, set the Maximum level to A1 (or A1V) and
if you inadvertently place an A2 call within the sequence, you will be notified.
Levels indicated with a trailing 'V' allow for variations used at that level.
For instance, MSV contains '(anything) & 1/4 More', which allows calls such
as 'Right & Left Thru & (courtesy turn) 1/4 More'.
The 'View' button shows the calls and concepts at the selected maximum level.
Type - the type of sequences to reside in the database.
All sequences within a database must all be of the same type.
Normal - sequences start in a squared set end with a resolve with everyone
with their original partner, in sequence. The last call in the sequence should be
Right & Left Grand, Allemande Left, Promenade Home, or You're Home.
Short - same as Normal, but is intended for sequences that only contain a few calls
(perhaps fewer than 5 or 6).
Singer (Corner Progression) - corner progression singing call figures.
Sequences should end with all dancers should be paired with their original corners, in sequence.
Singer (R-H Lady Progression) - R-H Lady progression singing call figures.
Sequences should end with all men paired with their original R-H lady, in sequence.
Stir the bucket is for sequences that rotate the squared set
by 90 degrees counter-clockwise (placing Couple #1 at Couple #2's position;
Couple #2 at Couple #3's position, and so forth).
Module is for modules (currently only applicable for 8-dancer sequences).
If Module is specified, From and To must also be specified.
<undefined> indicates nothing is specified.
This is the default for both the To and From fields.
These fields must be specified before saving the database properties.
Resolve (To field only) indicates that the
sequence ends with a resolve such as Left Allemande, Right & Left Grand, Promenade Home, or You're Home
and that dancers are in sequence and paired with their original partners.
See Modules - Starting and Ending FASRs
Progressive Squares - see Specialty Squares - Progressive Squares
Kaleidoscope Squares - Roth
Kaleidoscepe Squares - Vic
Tandem Squares
Contra - Improper - "grand eight chain thru" formation
Contra - Becket - "grand facing lines" formation
Sicilian Circle
Triangle - the 3-couple version of hex squares
Exploding Squares - see Specialty Squares - Exploding Squares
Author - the author of the sequences contained in the database.
List - the list currently associated with this database.
A list allows you to do frequency counts of calls used within the database,
and also allows you to determine which calls you haven't yet used while
writing sequences.
button allows you to create a new list.
button clears the use counts within the list.
Default Difficulty - the default level of difficulty for sequences
within the database. When a new sequence is written, it is initially assigned
this difficulty level.
Default frame background color - the default frame backgound color when
the sequence is displayed within Call From Screen.
button allows you to select a frame background color.
Flags tab
Specifies flags associated with this database.
Intro to level
Ignore this database - when checked, the database is skipped during
'Sequence | Proofread | All databases' and
'Sequence | Find several sequences'. This flag should be set for test or debug databases.
Comments tab
Printer tab
Big header - displayed at the top of the page when the sequence is printed in 'Normal' mode.
The big header is typically the level of the sequence (e.g., Basic, MS, Plus, A1).
Little header - displayed immediately beneath the primary header when the sequence is printed
in 'Normal' mode. The secondary header is typically the type of sequence (e.g., Singing call, Workshop,
Intro To A2).