How to Add a Record to the Snapshot Database
(i.e., specifying a before-and-after picture for a call):
To add a record to the snapshot database, you must either be editing a sequence in graphics
mode, or must be proofreading a getin/getout or sequence.
When CSDS is unable to do a call, it will prompt you 'Call not found, add it?'.
At this point, enter the name of the call to be added and click on the 'Process or add' button.
The program then displays a snapshot record that can be edited.
Move each dancer within the after picture to their
ending position and set their Roll and Active attributes.
Hint: After moving a dancer to their (final) ending position, set their Roll attribute before
selecting the next dancer.
Multiple noses on a dancer indicate that the dancer may be facing in any of the indicated
directions. This feature is useful for defining calls such as Tag The Line in which all
dancers have two possible facing directions before the call. Dancers that are not active
during the call should usually be defined with 4 noses for both the before and after pictures.