Abbreviation Database - Edit window allows modifications
to abbreviations used by CSDS.
This window can be invoked from the
CSDS Main Menu
via 'Parse | Abbreviation Database | Edit'.
The Abbreviation Database defines abbreviations used by the program when entering calls.
For example, 'RTD' (the abbreviation) is replaced with 'Relay The Deucey' (it's expansion).
Database Fields
Abbreviation is a single token (without spaces, in uppercase). An abbreviation
may contain numerics and symbols.
Expansion is the replacement for the abbreviation when the Enter key
is pressed, or when the text of a sequence, getin, or getout is saved.
In the Expansion field, you can use <N> to insert a newline (linefeed).
User is the author of the abbreviation. CSDS indicates the abbreviation is
part of the master database. If you enter a new abbreviation, your name will be shown
as the author.
Rec is the unique ID # of the abbreviation within the database.
Standard Abbreviations
The abbreviation database is preloaded with a set of abbreviations:
The concatenation of the first letter of each word in the call. E.g.,
- PTO for Pass The Ocean
- SC&ETG for Spin Chain & Exchange The Gears
- CTAL for Circle To A Line
- T1 for Touch 1/4
The concatenation of the first two letters of each word in the call.
Sometimes the concatenation of the first letters of each call is not enough.
For instance, ST is the abbreviation for Swing Thru, Slide Thru, and Star Thru.
In this case, using the first two letters is easier. E.g.,
- SWTH for Swing Thru
- SLTH for Slide Thru
- STTH for Star Thru
There's also a set of commonly used abbreviations. E.g.,
- HDS for Heads
- SDS for Sides
- EXT for Extend
- CIRC for Circulate
The abbreviation database also contains a lot of records to correct typographical
errors. E.g.,
- TEH for The
- HEDAS for Heads
When Entering An Abbreviation Into A Sequence...
Abbreviations do not need to be in uppercase.
If the abbreviation is ambiguous, you will be prompted to select an appropriate resolution from a list.
E.g., the abbreviation ST invokes the following:
If the abbreviation is unknown, you will be prompted whether to add an abbreviation.
In the above case, ML is unknown. Press the 'Add Abbreviation' button
to add an abbreviation.
Of course, if it's a typo, just close the window and then correct the text within
the sequence.
A call can have several abbreviations. The default abbrevations
for a call are
- the concatenation of the first letter of each word of the call; and
- the concatenation of the first two letters of each word of the call.
- For example,
- The default abbreviations for RELAY THE DEUCEY are RTD and RETHDE.
- The default abbreviations for SWING THRU are ST and SWTH.
To view abbreviations, do the following:
From the CSDS main menu, select 'Parse | Abbreviation database | Dump contents';
Select how to sort the output, either by abbreviation or by expansion.
This will generate a text file that can be viewed.
Don't bother to print out the file contents.
You'd waste several hundred pages of paper.
The file also lists the
Intrinsic Abbreviations
built into the program
Intrinsic abbreviations end with a slash (either '/' or '\'). For example,
- B/ for Boy
- BS/ for Boys
- H/ for Head
- HS/ for Heads
The abbreviation database is not intended be used as a
lookup table whenever you want to find the abbreviation(s)
for a particular call.
Rather, use whatever abbreviation you'd like.
If the program is unable to find the abbreviation in the database,
a dialog box prompts for you to add a new abbrevation.
New record Ctrl+N
Adds a new record and allows it to be edited via the Edit Record frame.
Edit selected record Ctrl+E
Edits the highlighted record via the Edit Record frame.
Delete selected record Ctrl+D
After confirmation, deletes the currently highlighted record.
Close Ctrl+Q
Closes this window and returns to the previous window.
If any changes have not been saved, you are prompted whether or not to save the changes.
- New record (Ctrl+N)
- Edit selected record (Ctrl+E)
- Delete selected record (Ctrl+D)
- Customize grid
- Help - Edit Abbreviation Database