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Square Rotation Program (SQROT)
Square Rotation Program (SQROT)
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ID: 299

Main Window

This is the Main Window for the Square Rotation Program (SQROT).

Before creating a rotation, the Dancer Table should be populated with dancers. Dancers must be in the Dancer Table prior to being added to a rotation.

The default database is named SQROT.mdb. The database contains the Dancer Table and data for all of rotations within that database. Additional databases may be created, if desired.


  • - invokes a popup window to create or open a database.

    • New Database - prompts for the name of a new database (without .mdb file extension), then opens the database.
    • Open Existing Database - opens the Open Database dialog box to allow a database to be selected and opened. The dialog box also allows for database functions such as rename, copy, delete and more.
    • Open Database Folder - opens the folder that contains the databases. All databases used by the program need to reside in this folder. This is useful when copying a database to or from another computer.
    • Upload Database to - after confirmation, uploads the current database to Upon completion, a message box appears asking the operator to send a message to indicating the reason for the upload. This function for debugging a bad rotation.
    • 1..N  xyz.mdb - opens the selected database. This is a list of most recently opened databases.

  • - invokes a popup window to create or open a rotation.

    • New Rotation - opens the Preferences - this Rotation window to create a new rotation. At a minimum, the operator should give the rotation a Description. Pressing the Save button creates the rotation, and makes it the current rotation.
    • Open Existing Rotation - opens the Open Rotation dialog box to allow a rotation to be selected and opened. The dialog box also allows for rotation functions such as rename, copy, delete and more.
    • Preferences - xyz - opens the Preferences - this Rotation dialog box on the current rotation (xyz).
    • 1..N  xyz - opens the selected rotation. This is a list of the most recently opened rotations.

  • - opens the Barcodes window to print barcodes. Dancers may manipulate their status in the rotation by use of barcodes. A barcode scanner must be connected to the rotation computer. See also How to Use the Scanner - for Dancers. Dancers may also manipulate their status and view square information via a Web App.

  • - opens the Cards window to generate and print computer cards to mix couples. The cards can be handed out at a dance to mix dancers. A computer at the dance is not required.

  • - opens the Preferences - Global window to change preferences that affect all rotations in the database.

File menu

  • Preferences - Global - (same as 'Preferences - Global' button above)
  • Upgrade program from web - queries to see if a later version of the Square Rotation Program is available. If a later version exists, a prompt appears whether to download the latest version. After successful download, a prompt appears whether to restart the program.
  • Upgrade help database from web - updates the content of the help database from so that you have the latest help pages.
  • Database - (same as 'Database' button above)
  • Rotation - (same as 'Rotation' button above)
  • Dancer Table - (same as 'Dancer Table' button above)
  • Global Database - opens the Global Database window.
  • Barcodes - (same as 'Barcodes' button above)
  • Cards - (same as 'Cards' button above)
  • Web page - Card Sets on -
  • Enter user key - prompts for the SQROT user key, a 12-letter code such as ABCD-EFGH-IJKL to uniquely identify the registered user of the program.
  • Change application data folder - specifies the location of the SQROT Application Data Folder. If you change the folder location, and have existing rotation data, you should copy or move all files and subfolders to the new location.
  • Run previous version of program - after a confirmation warning, opens a dialog box that allows selection of a previous version of the program. Pressing the 'Run Selected Version' button, closes the program and runs the selected previous version. The function can be used if a bad bug inadvertently gets introduced into a future version of the program, and you wish to revert to a previous version.
  • Create program shortcut... - creates a shortcut to the Square Rotation Program on the selected location: Desktop, Start Menu under All Programs, Pin to Taskbar, Pin to Start Menu, or All of the Above. Note: depending upon the version of Windows, some shortcuts might not be created.
  • Exit - exits the program.

Tools menu

  • Error Log Viewer - opens the Error Log Viewer window to show system errors encountered by the program.
  • Registry - allows access to Windows system registry settings for the Square Rotation Program. You can import, export, or clear the settings. Import and export is useful when copying settings to a new computer (export from the old one, then import onto the new one).
  • Administrator mode - this option is reserved for Vic only, and allows access to debuggin and other hidden features. Password is required.

Help menu

  • Help Database - opens the Help Database. This is the primary source for help on SQROT.
  • FAQ Database - opens the FAQ Database, a copy of SQROT questions and answers from
  • Alan Jackson's User Manual - old documentation
  • AACE 2018 Computer Rotation Program Operator Instructions - old documentation
  • AACE 2018 Computer Rotation Program Training Exercises - old documentation
  • web page - Video - AACE Computer Operator Training - video made by Barry Clasper to help AACE computer operators.
  • How to use the Scannter - for Dancers - opens the How to Use the Scanner - for Dancers help page.
  • About Square Rotation Program (SQROT) - opens the About Square Rotation Program (SQROT) dialog box.

last modified: 04-January-2022   ID: 299
28-March-2025 17:44:00
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