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ID: 304

Quick Update

The Quick Update windows allows an operator to quickly change the status of several dancers by their name, or short name.

There are 4 text entry boxes: Ready, Absent, Sitout, and Must Dance.

To use:

  1. Enter zero or more names, separated by semi-colons (;) into the desired text entry boxes.
  2. Press the Apply button (or F10) to process the items in the text boxes.

The name can be in any of these formats:

  • First And Last Name  (e.g., Mary Hutchinson)
  • Short Name  (e.g., HUT,M)
  • Couple Name  (e.g., Les + Karen Hughes)
  • Dancer ID preceded by an "L"  (e.g., L5)
  • Global ID preceded by a "G"  (e.g., G41)

last modified: 14-November-2018   ID: 304

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