Edit Sequence window edits a new or existing sequence.
This window can be invoked from many places within the program,
most notably from the
CSDS main menu via
Sequence | New [Graphics]
Sequence | Edit [Graphics].
Edit Sequence window consists of several sections, described below:
Processed Text Box
The Processed Text Box shows the sequence text that has been successfully
processed by the program. Sequence text not yet processed resides
in the Edit Buffer (described later).
The header,
, shows
the sequence database (e.g., TEMPPLUS), the index of the sequence within the
database (1), and the number of text lines contained in the box (10).
A sequence may contain up to 20 formation pictures, which can be inserted
via the Insert formation button
(described in the Edit Buffer section).
Right-clicking the mouse within the Processed Text Box invokes a pop-up menu
with the following functions:
- Edit sequence text
- Print...
Double-clicking the left mouse button at the end of a line within the Processed
Text Box displays a formation picture of the dancers after executing the calls
on the line clicked.
When the number of text lines in the sequence exceeds a specified amount, the program
automatically searches the GETOUT database for resolves from the current
formation. If one or more GETOUTs
are found, that number is displayed in red immediately beneath the last line
of the sequence.
Pressing Ctrl+G displays the Getouts - For Current Position window,
from which a resolve can be selected and added to the sequence.
Edit Buffer
The Edit Buffer is where you type in or edit the calls
to be executed.
Calls may be entered in their entirety (e.g., "Relay the Deucey") or as one-word abbreviations
(e.g., "RTD") in which case the program automatically expands the abbreviation
into its corresponding prose name (e.g., "RTD" is expanded into
"Relay The Deucey"). If there are multiple expansions for a given abbreviation
(e.g., "ST" could be "Star Thru", "Swing Thru", "Slide Thru", etc.) the program prompts you
to select the desired expansion from a list. If the entered text is not a recognized call
and the program is unable to find an expansion for the abbreviation, a dialog box appears
into which you can add a new expansion, if desired.
A quick note about abbreviations: an abbreviation is a single word (no spaces);
when CSDS encounters an abbreviation, it is expanded. This is controlled by the
Abbreviation Database. Each call has 2 default abbreviations:
The concatenation of the first letter of each word;
The concatenation of the first two letters of each word (i.e., Follow
Your Neighbor is FOYONE)
Multiple lines of text (i.e., calls) may be entered into the Edit Buffer.
To create a new line at the current cursor position, press the
Insert new line button (or Alt-W).
Pressing the Enter-key tells the program to execute the calls within the
Edit Buffer. If the calls are successfully executed, the dancers are
updated to their ending position and the processed calls are moved from the
Edit Buffer to the Processed Text Box.
(or Ctrl+I) inserts a
picture of the formation at the current cursor location. The inserted formation
must be on a separate line within the sequence text.
Do not insert a formation in the middle of a call.
(or Ctrl+R) clears the contents
of the Edit Buffer. The text is erased and cannot be retrieved.
(or Ctrl+W) inserts a new
line into the Edit Buffer at the current cursor position. You may insert as many
lines in the buffer for editing purposes as you'd like; however, the program removes
all blank lines when the sequence is saved.
To split up a line of text into more than one line (known as a
logical line), make sure that the first part of the logical line
starts in column #1, and that all remaining lines start in column #2 or beyond.
For example, perhaps the call "Centers Fan The Top & Hinge, Other Boy Run," is
a bit cumbersome to fit on one line. Split the call into two lines like this:
- Centers Fan The Top & Hinge,
- Other Boy Run,
(or Ctrl+F) displays the
Find calls (via Prefix + Call) window which searches for calls
that the program can do from the current position. A prefix, such as "As Couples",
may be entered, and the program will search for calls of the form
"As Couples call".
(or Ctrl+D) displays the
Find calls (via Snapshot Database) window which searches for calls
that the program can do from the current position using the Snapshot Database.
(or Ctrl+G) displays the Getouts - For Current Position window,
which allows a resolve to be selected from the GETOUT database.
The Navigation Buttons,
move the dancers forward or backward either one call at a time or all calls at once.
(or Ctrl+F11)
moves the dancers to the beginning of the sequence, undoing all calls
from the Processed Text Box (effectively clearing the Processed Text Box). The 'un-done' text
is inserted before the first line of the Edit Buffer.
(or F11 or Ctrl+U)
moves the dancers backward one call, undoing the last call (one logical line of text) from the
Processed Text Box, and moves the text to the beginning
of the Edit Buffer.
(or F12)
moves the dancers forward one call, executes the next call (one logical line of text) in the
Edit Buffer, and moves the text to the end
of the Processed Text Box.
(or Ctrl+F12)
moves the dancers to the end of the sequence, executing all calls in the Edit Buffer (effectively clearing
the Edit Buffer). The executed text is inserted after the last
line of the Processed Text Box.
There are a few special-purpose characters that may be inserted into the text of the sequence:
'%' toggles highlighting (underline + italic).
'$' toggles extra highlighting (underline + italic + bold).
'(' and ')' enclose comments.
'[' and ']' modify call interpretation. For example,
[As Couples Swing Thru] & Roll ===> does an individual Roll.
[As Couples Swing Thru & Roll] ===> does an As Couples Roll.
(note: CSDS defaults to applying the concept
to the entire text string that follows, hence
As Couples Swing Thru & Roll ===> does an As Couples Roll).
[Run Wild 3/4] Reset ===> does a 3/4 Run Wild then a Reset.
Run Wild [3/4 Reset] ===> does a Run Wild then a 3/4 Reset.
(note: CSDS prefers the fraction to precede the call.)
'{' and '}' modify call display and interpretation. The format is
- a) display is displayed when the sequence is viewed or printed.
- b) execute is what the program executes.
- c) level is the level assigned to the call.
An indented line is considered part of the previous line.
For example, the text corresponding to the Processed Text Box shown at
the beginning of this help file (above) is:
Heads Fan The Top,
Extend Twice,
Centers Fan The Top & %Hinge%,
$Other Boy Run$,
All Coordinate (mixed sex),
Ferris Wheel,
Centers Veer Left & That Girl Run,
Girls Trade,
Spin The Top,
Dancer Area
The Dancer Area displays two sets of dancers:
The Before dancers show the setup prior to executing
the call.
The After dancers show the setup after executing the
The executed call is shown in a box near the line connecting the
two sets of dancers.
The background grid (dashed lines) and the axes (solid lines) can be hidden or shown via the menu option
Display | Grid.
The dancer sizes and colors may be modified via the menu option
Display | Dancer settings....
The upper right portion of the dancer area shows the FASR the current position, if applicable.
Header Bar
The Header Bar consists of a toolbar, three dropdown lists and two check boxes.
List associates a list of calls with the sequence (or set
of sequences). A list keeps track of how many times each call or concept
is used within a set of sequences. The dropdown list allows you to choose
a different list to associate with the sequence (or set of sequences).
button (or Ctrl+L) allows
the list to be viewed. This can also be accomplished via the
View | List menu item. Viewing a list allows you
to see which calls you haven't yet used for the dance that
you are writing, aiding you to write a dance that exercises
most calls on the list.
button allows
a new list to be created, and associated with the sequence (or set of
clears the Use Count for all the calls on the current list. Clearing the
Use Count resets the list, making the count for each call become zero.
Difficulty assigns a difficulty level (Easy, Medium Easy, Medium,
Medium Hard, or Hard) to the sequence. The default is 'Medium'.
Rating assigns a rating to the sequence. Available Ratings are
'-'=not rated, 1=Awful, 2=Bad, 3=Average, 4=Good, 5=Excellent. The default
is '-' (not rated).
Star, when checked, marks the sequence as being an especially
good sequence.
In print list, when checked, means that the sequence is
in the list of sequences waiting to be printed.
List Panel
The List Panel consists of a toolbar, four check boxes, a header, and
a list of calls. The selected list is shown in the Header Bar (upper left).
The List Panel is updated after each call is processed. The size of the
List Panel may be modified by dragging the upper left hand corner with
the mouse. The List Panel is anchored to the lower right portion of the
parent window.
clears the Use Count for all the calls on the current list. Clearing the
Use Count resets the list, making the count for each call become zero.
button edits
the current list.
edits the current list by call or level only.
button modifies
the colors used in the checkboxes and call list.
hides the List Panel. When hidden, the List Panel is replaced with a single
, which
restores the List Panel when clicked.
The checkboxes
filter the calls displayed from the current list.
Primary+InRange, when checked, shows all calls on the list that are
marked as the primary level (e.g., Plus) and that have a use count within
the desired range (e.g., 0 to 0).
Primary+OutOfRange, when checked, shows all calls on the list that are
marked as the primary level (e.g., Plus) and that have a use count outside of
the desired range. The number of times each primary call has been used will show
to the right of the call (in the 'Use' Column).
Secondary+InRange, when checked, shows all non-primary calls on
the list that have a use count within the desired range (e.g., 0 to 0).
Secondary+OutOfRange, when checked, shows all non-primary calls
on the list that have a use count outside of the desired range.
The header
shows the Use Count range and the number of items in the list. The
Use Count range may be modified by editing the list.
The call list
shows the calls on the current list as filtered by the checkboxes, the level
of each call, and the Use Count associated with the call. The list may be
sorted by Text, Level, or Use Count by clicking on the column
header of choice. A little triangle is displayed in the column header
indicating the sorted column. Clicking the header of a sorted column
toggles the sort order between ascending and descending.
File Menu
New sequence [Graphics] selects a new sequence database so you can
write another sequence.
Edit sequence [Graphics] selects an existing sequence (database and index) to
be edited.
Sequence history list (Ctrl+P) selects a sequence to be edited from
the list of previously edited sequences.
New sequence (same database) (Ctrl+N) creates the next sequential
sequence within the current sequence database.
Previous sequence (same database) edits the previous sequential
sequence within the current sequence database.
Next sequence (same database) edits the next sequential
sequence within the current sequence database.
Print... allows the sequence to be printed to a printer or to a file.
Add sequence to a dance adds the current sequence
to a dance. A dialog box allows you to select the dance,
the frame, and the position within the frame.
Upload to Choreography Database uploads the sequence to
the Choreography Database at (/choreodb),
so you can share the sequence with other callers (requires an internet connection).
Properties shows the properties for the current sequence.
Parse sequence parses the sequence (for debugging purposes),
showing the internal handles (calls, concepts, identifiers, numerics, etc.)
used by CSDS.
Definitions of Calls and Concepts allows access to the Ceder Chest
Square Dance Definitions.
Close (Ctrl+Q) closes the Edit Sequence window, usually returning
you to the CSDS main menu.
Edit Menu
Sequence text invokes a Notepad-like text editor to edit the entire sequence
text (Processed Text and Edit Buffer). The Edit Buffer is appended to the
processed text prior to invoking the text editor.
Problems displays a dialog box that allows the sequence to be marked as having problems,
so it can be corrected later. A sequence may be marked as having any or all of the following problems:
- Too long
- Too short
- Does not resolve
- Illegal choreography
- Awkward flow
- Overflow
- Not liked by dancers
- Heads/Sides used after first line
- Same hand used twice in a row
- and 3 user-defined problems.
Copy Text to Clipboard copies the entire sequence text (Processed Text
and Edit Buffer) to clipboard.
New getout allows new getouts to be added to the GETOUT database.
New getin allows new getins to be added to the GETIN database.
Abbreviation database edits the abbreviation database to add or delete
abbreviations and expansions.
List database edits the list database to add a new call or concept.
Parse database edits the parse database, which allows for different ways to spell a call
or concept.
Display Menu
Colors and relative sizes... changes the colors and sizes of the text
displayed for a sequence. For example, comments (text
within matching parentheses) could be set to purple and 80% of the size for normal text.
Font... changes the font name and font size used for the Edit Buffer,
Processed Text, and the last call executed.
Dancer settings... changes the sizes and colors of the Before and After dancers.
Inserted formation size... changes the size of formation pictures inserted into
the sequence.
Before picture enables whether or not the Before formation is displayed.
Axes enables whether or not X and Y axes are displayed.
Grid enables whether or not dashed grid lines are displayed.
List Panel enables whether or not the List Panel (lower right) is displayed.
Getout count (after N lines) tells the program when to automatically display
the number of getouts available from the current ending position.
A number from 0 to 99 can be selected, which indicates the number of processed text lines
required before the program automatically searches for getouts.
Find Menu
Calls (via Prefix + Call) searches for
calls that can be done from the current position. You can specify
a level range, whether or not to use fuzzy matching, and, most
importantly, a prefix string. The prefix string is text
inserted before the call: for example, the prefix string could be
"Centers", in which case the program would search for calls that the
Centers could do.
Calls (via Snapshot Database) searches the snapshot database for
calls that can be done from the current position. You can specify
a level range and whether or not to use fuzzy matching.
Getout displays a list of getouts from the GETOUT database for
the current position. If a getout is selected from the list, it is
added to the end of the Processed Text Box, and the dancers will be updated
Getin displays a list of getins from the GETIN database for
the current position. If a getin is selected from the list, the
contents of the Processed Text Box is replaced with the selected
Getouts at or below max level only, when checked, the program only searches for
getouts at or below the maximum level specified for the current
sequence database. It is generally a good idea to have this menu item checked, otherwise, when
you are writing a Plus-level sequence, the program may display a lot of C4-level getouts.
Flags Menu
The Flags menu sets or clears flags used by the program
during call execution. The flags in this section should only be set when you want to force
the program to behave in a specific manner for a short time so a new snapshot record
can be entered.
Set all flags sets the four 'No' flags described below.
Clear all flags clears the four 'No' flags described below.
No expansions, when checked, the program does not expand text strings
prior to executing the call. For example, the program expands "Catch anything 3"
into "Square Thru 3 To A Wave; anything; Step & Fold".
No extrapolations, when checked, the program does not call internal subroutines
to process concepts such as As Couples, Phantom, Blocks, Concentric, etc.
No split ups, when checked, the program does not try to divide the overall
formation into smaller formations in order to execute the call. When checked,
the program can not execute 4-dancer calls from 8-dancer formations (e.g., it can
not do Right & Left Thru from Facing Lines).
No fuzzy matches, when checked, the program does not execute calls from
positions that do not exactly match the starting formation as specified in the snapshot database.
Debug mode, when checked, outputs debugging information while a call is being executed.
View Menu
List displays the list associated with the current sequence database.
The list is primarily used to keep track of which calls have not yet been
used within a set of sequences.
Last GETOUT record used displays the last record used
from the GETOUT database.
Last snapshot record used displays the last snapshot record used by the program
during call execution. If the program
incorrectly executes a call, viewing the snapshot record often gives
you a clue as to what went wrong. (A snapshot record is a before-and-after
picture used by the program to execute calls.)
Formation bitmap displays a bitmap of the current After formation.
You can view, modify, and save the bitmap picture as desired.
Dancer data displays coordinates and dancer attributes for the current After
formation. It is used for debugging purposes.
Dates used displays a listing of dates where the sequence was used.
Level displays a list of calls for a selected level.
Help Menu
The Help menu item displays this help page.
The Toolbar allows quick access to selected commands.
invokes the Select Sequence Database window to
create a new sequence in Graphics mode
- same as File | New sequence [Graphics].
invokes the Select Sequence Database And Index window to
select another sequence to edit in Graphics mode
- same as File | Edit sequence [Graphics].
(or Ctrl+P)
selects a sequence for editing from the Sequence history list
- same as File | Sequence history list.
(or Ctrl+N)
creates a new sequence in the current database
- same as File | New sequence (same database).
selects the previous sequential sequence in the current database
- same as File | Previous sequence (same database).
selects the next sequential sequence in the current database
- same as File | Next sequence (same database).
(or Ctrl+E)
edits the sequence text
- same as Edit | Sequence text.
shows the properties of the current sequence
- same as File | Properties.
displays the
sequence Problems dialog box which allows the sequence to be marked as needing further edits.
- same as Edit | Problems.
prints the current sequence to a printer or to a file
- same as File | Print....
adds the sequence to a dance
- same as Edit | Add sequence to a dance.
uploads the sequence the the Choreography Database
at (requires an internet connection)
- same as File | Upload to Choreography Database.
changes the colors and relative sizes of sequence text
- same as Display | Colors and relative sizes....
changes the font used for sequence text
- same as Display | Font....
changes the sizes and colors of dancer icons
- same as Display | Dancer settings....
shows the grid
- same as Display | Grid (checked).
hides the grid
- same as Display | Grid (not checked).
(or Ctrl+B)
displays a formation bitmap of the After formation
- same as View | Formation bitmap.
displays the Ceder Chest definitions of calls and concepts
- same as File | Definitions of Calls and Concepts.
displays the help file you're currently reading
- same as Help.