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Call From Screen -

The Call From Screen window can be invoked from the CSDS Main Menu via 'Dance | Call from screen'.

This window is designed to be used as the primary window when calling a dance.

The Call From Screen window can display:
  • Up to 10 sequence frames (easily accessed via function keys F1 thru F10) of choreo sequences, each containing as many sequences as you'd like.
  • An 'used' frame for sequences that have been called. After calling a sequence, press the 'U' key to move the current sequence from the current sequence frame to the 'used' frame.
  • A Cue Sheet for the currently loaded music item.
  • Lyrics for the currently loaded music item.
  • Up to 10 frames of documents, which can be lists of calls, or any desired text, RTF, or HTML file. Document types such PDF and DOCX are also possible, but problematic as they are slower to display and tend to grab focus away from CSDS.
  • A Sight Call frame

The Call From Screen window also
  • Displays a tip/break timer (upper right).
  • Allows easy access to the CSDS music player.
  • Almost every function can be invoked by a single keystroke (see the end of this document).


  • The Call From Screen window contains up to 10 sequence frames, each of which can emulate a pile of choreographic sequences. A frame may be brought to the foreground to become the primary frame (large font). The primary frame may be browsed to select the next sequence to be called.

    After a sequence is called (i.e., 'used'), the sequence is moved to the 'used sequences' frame by pressing the 'U' key.

    Each frame can contain any number of sequences. When calling a dance, I use about 4 to 6 frames, depending on the type and level of the dance. I set up each frame to contain a specific type of sequences. For instance, I might have frames with any of the following types of sequences: old, new, short, easy, hard, workshop, asymmetric, star tip, 6-couple, singing call figures, or stir the bucket routines.

    To use the Call From Screen window with sets of sequences, a dance must first be set up. See How to Create a Dance.
  • A timer allows the tip and break to be clocked.
  • Any number of dances may be set up, but only one dance may be displayed at a given time. At a multi-level weekend, I usually set up one dance for each level to be called. When the level changes, I just change the displayed dance (via the 'File' menu).
  • The Call from Screen window consists of several sections: a menu, a toolbar, a timer region, a music position indicator, a status bar, and one or more tabs (e.g., like index cards). Each tab consists of a header (with shortcut key, frame title and perhaps other information, and a toolbar) and a frame (the rectangular portion taking up most of the space).

Primary Tab

The primary tab usually occupies the majority of the window. This tab displays the next sequence to be called, a cue sheet, a lyrics file, a document, or the sight-call tab.

When the primary tab contains a cue sheet, a lyrics file, or other document, the entire tab contains the referenced document.

When the primary tab contains a sequence frame, the tab displays the features described below:
  • The tab header (e.g., ) shows
    • the function key to press to bring the tab into the primary tab (F3);
    • the title of the sequence frame (Newer); and
    • the location of the current sequence within the frame (264 out of 350).
  • The sequence header (e.g, ) shows
    • the sequence database name (PL);
    • the index of sequence within the database (178);
    • the date sequence was created (07/28/2007);
    • the date sequence was last edited (06/02/2024); and
    • the level of sequence as determined by parser (PL).
  • The sequence toolbar:
    • Edit Sequence [Graphics] (Ctrl+G) - opens the Sequence Edit [Graphics] window.
    • Edit Sequence [Text] (Ctrl+E) - opens the Sequence Edit [Text] window.
    • Show progression - opens the Show Progression window.
    • Problems (Ctrl+P) - opens the Sequence - Problems dialog box.
    • Swap heads and sides - swaps Heads and Sides with the sequence.
    • Difficulty / Rating / Star - opens the Sequence - Properties dialog box.
    • Sort sequences in main frame - sorts the sequences within the frame. Selecting this option invokes a dropdown list to select how sequences are sorted (i.e., by Sequence ID, Creation Date, Difficulty, Last Modified Date, or Rating).
    • Shuffle sequences in main frame - shuffles the order of sequences within the frame.
    • Background color of frame - changes the background color for the frame.
    • Frequency count (main frame) - does a Frequency Count on the sequences within the frame.
    • First sequence in frame (Ctrl+F11) - displays the first sequence in the frame.
    • Previous sequence in frame (F11) - displays the previous sequence in the frame.
    • Next sequence in frame (F12) - displays the next sequence in the frame.
    • Last sequence in frame (Ctrl+F12) - displays the last sequence in the frame.
  • The current sequence.
    • Navigation keys (Home, End, PgUp, PgDn, Up-Arrow, Down-Arrow) and/or the frame scroll bar can be used to navigate through the text of the current sequence.
    • There are many options for displaying a sequence:
      • The current line in the sequence can be highlighted. (from the menu, select 'Display | Sequences | Highlight current row within sequence').
      • You can adjust the font-size as well as the vertical spacing between lines.
      • A blank line can be inserted every 3 lines.
      • A formation window can show the dancer position after the current line.
    • You can search for the next or previous sequence that contains a specific text string, a specific call, a specific difficulty, a star sequence, or a sequence that ends at home.
  • Sequence formatting:
    • It is helpful to have certain words, phrases, or entire lines be emphasized in some way, to make them stand out. For example, identifiers (e.g., Boys, Girls, Ends, Centers), directions (In, Out, Right, Left), and modifications to calls can be emphasized by being displayed as bold, underlined, and in a different color. To emphasize a range of words within a sequence, edit the sequence and surround the words with matching (% for normal emphasis, or $ for stronger emphasis). Such formatting defaults to displaying as blue*.
    • Comments are enclosed in parentheses () displayed as green*.
    • Calls at the primary level of the sequence are displayed at the top of the sequence in brown-grey*.
    • Extra messages such as 'Ends at Home', 'Not Proofread', 'Star Sequence', are displayed at the top of the sequence in red*.
    • Problems with the sequence are displayed at the top of the sequence in pink*.
    • The color and font for each type of message described above can be customized via 'Display | Sequences | Colors and relative sizes...'.
    • Display of the above messages may be enabled or disabled via the menu checkboxes at 'Display | Sequences'.
  • Formation pictures may be inserted at any point in a sequence.
  • The date grid (lower right) displays the dates, places, and groups/clubs where the sequence was called. The date grid may contain several entries, depending upon how many times the sequence has been called. The display of the date grid can be enabled or disabled, and can be configured to only display dates within the last N years.

Secondary Tabs

Secondary tabs (right-side of window) show other frames of sequences, as well as cue sheets, lyrics, and documents. As with the primary tab, each secondary tab may have an hot key to make it become the primary tab; a title, and, in the case of sequence tabs, the location of the current sequence within the frame as well as a total count of how many sequences are in the frame.


The timer is shown in the upper right portion of the window.


A countdown timer displays the time remaining for the tip or break.

  • The timer either clocks a tip or a break, depending upon whether the 'Start Tip' button ('T' key) or the 'Start Break' ('B' key) was pressed.
  • When the timer reaches '0:00', the window borders blink, and an optional beeping or sound file may be played. The text then turns from black to red, and the timer starts counting backward.
  • A spin button immediately below the timer adds or subtracts a minute from the remaining time (or press the '+' and '-' keys).
  • The 'Stop' button ('S' key) stops the timer.
  • The tip timer may be configured to automatically start clocking once the music starts playing.
  • See Preferences - Timer.


The Call from Screen window has an extensive list of menu options. In addition, context-sensitive pop-up menus can be invoked (via right mouse click) within the primary frame.


  • New dance... - creates a new dance. Parameters may be specified in a dialog box to indicate the dance filename, description, location, group/club, quick list, and date. Once the parameters of the dancer are specified, the 'Edit Dance' window is invoked. Sequences and documents for the dance are added in the Edit Dance window.
  • Open dance... (Ctrl+O) - opens an existing dance.
  • Empty dance opens the 'empty' dance. This is a special dance without any sequences. This dance is intended for use by round dance cuers or others who have no need to display sequences.
  • New sequence [Graphpics] -
  • Preferences... - customizes the behavior of CSDS. For example, the program can be configured to enable or disable prompts for confirmation when a sequence is 'used' or 'removed'. It is worth becoming familiar with all the many options avaiable to configure the behavior of CSDS.
  • Dance properties - displays a dialog box showing the dance title, filename, number of sequences, and other information about the current dance.
  • Print (main frame)... - prints the contents of the main frame (e.g., a sequence, a cue sheet, a lyrics file, or a document).
  • Dance History - accesses the previous (up to 9 existing) dances that were opened.
  • Close (Ctrl+Q) - closes the Call from Screen window and returns to the CSDS main window.


  • Find Text String... (Ctrl+F) searches the current sequence frame, the 'used sequences' frame, or all sequence frames except the 'used sequences' frame for a sequence matching a given parameter set. Examples of search criteria include a text string, non-proofread sequences, sequences with level warnings, problem sequences, sequences with a given difficulty, sequences with a given rating, or sequences marked with a star.
  • Find Next (N) finds the next sequence matching the search criteria.
  • Find Previous (Ctrl+N) finds the previous sequence matching the search criteria.
  • Find by Sequence ID
  • Find All
  • First sequence in frame (Ctrl+F11) displays the first sequence in the frame.
  • Previous sequence in frame (F11) displays the previous sequence in the frame.
  • Next sequence in frame (F12) displays the next sequence in the frame.
  • Last sequence in frrame (Ctrl+F12) displays the last sequence in the frame.
  • Sequence frames (F1 thru F10) brings the selected sequence frame into the primary frame.
  • Used sequences (Ctrl+F1) brings the 'used sequences' frame into the primary frame.
  • Cue sheet (C) brings the cue sheet frame into the primary frame.
  • Lyrics (V) brings the lyrics frame into the primary frame.
  • Documents brings the selected document into the primary frame.
  • Sight Call (Z) brings the sight call frame into the primary frame.


  • Sequences

    • Highlight current row within sequence - when checked,
    • Show formation window when highlighting current row - when checked,
    • Auto position formation window - when checked,
    • Colors and relative sizes... Changes the colors and relative font sizes for the different parts of a sequence. The following parts can be modified: normal text, highlighted text, comments, warning messages, problems, distance from home, and calls at level.
    • Primary font... changes the font name and font size used in the primary sequence frame.
    • Secondary font... changes the font name and font size used in the secondary sequence frames.
    • Inserted formation size... changes the scaling of the inserted formation pictures.
    • Primary spacing changes the amount of the spacing between lines within the primary sequence frame. Possible values are: 0 (single-spaced), 25, 50, 75, 100 (double-spaced), 125, 150, 175, and 200 (triple-spaced).
    • Blank line every 3 lines, when checked, inserts a blank line every 3 lines.
    • Calls at level, when checked, displays calls at the primary level at the top of the sequence.
    • Dates, when checked, displays the dates rectangle (dates, places, and group/clubs when the sequence was called).
    • Difficulty (other than Medium), when checked, displays the sequence difficulty (if not 'Medium') at the top of the sequence.
    • Level warnings, when checked, displays a warning message for each call in the sequence that exceeds the maximum level as defined in the sequence database.
    • Not proofread, when checked, displays a warning message if the sequence has not been proofread.
    • Problems, when checked, displays any problems marked in the sequence.
    • Sequence ID, when checked,
  • Cue sheet

    • Colors and Fonts... changes colors and fonts used for different sections of all HTML cue sheets generated by CSDS. Attributes for the following sections can be changed: title, label, artist, text, calls, and lyrics.
    • Decrease text size (Ctrl+-) decreases font sizes within HTML cue sheets generated by CSDS (i.e., Zoom Out).
    • Increase text size (Ctrl++) increases font sizes within HTML cue sheets generated by CSDS (i.e., Zoom In).
    • Style = HTML - when checked, cue sheets from the Cue Sheet Database are displayed as HTML.
    • Style = RTF - when checked, cue sheets from the Cue Sheet Database are displayed as RTF.
    • Two columns if style = HTML - when checked, HTML cue sheets from the Cue Sheet Database are displayd using two columns, which minimizes the need to scroll the cue sheet.
  • Lyrics

    • Colors and Fonts... changes colors and fonts used for different sections within all RTF lyrics files generated by CSDS. Attributes for the following sections can be changed: title, lyrics, comments, and lyrics ID (web database index).
  • Screen format determines how primary and secondary tabs are displayed.

    • Normal - about 80% of the screen (left side) is used for the primary tab; the remaining 20% of the screen (right side) lists the secondary tabs in a column. A splitter bar allows the size ratio between the two sections to be changed.
    • Split - splits the screen into two equal-sized sections, each containing a single tab. Whichever tab has focus is designated the primary tab.
    • Full - entire window (except for menus, toolbars, status bars, etc.) is used for the primary tab. No secondary tabs are displayed.
  • Toggle full height mode
  • Music control (bottom center)
  • Show empty sequence frames
  • Show SSD info

  • Dance invokes the 'Edit Dance' window, which allows sequences within the dance to be specified and filtered.
  • Dance information invokes the 'Edit Dance Information' dialog box to change the following dance fields: description, location, group/club, music quick list, and date of the dance.
  • Frame title edits the title of the primary frame.
  • Frame background color
  • Edit source edits the source associated with the document in the primary frame. This menu option is only enabled if the file extension of the document is .TXT, .OUT, .HTM, or .HTML.
  • Add document adds a document to the dance. A dance may contain a up to three documents. Recommended document file extensions are .TXT, .RTF, and .HTML. .DOC files are not recommended, as they are slow to load since a copy of MS Word must be invoked, and even then the .DOC file may not display properly within a CSDS window. If you experience problems displaying a .DOC file within CSDS, try converting it to a RTF (Rich Text Format) or HTML (Web Page) file via the 'File | Save As (Save as type)' menu in MS Word.
  • Change document changes the filename associated with the currently displayed document.
  • Remove document removes the currently displayed document from the dance.
  • Edit sequence [Text] (Ctrl+E) edits the sequence in text mode.
  • Edit sequence [Graphics] (Ctrl+G) edits the sequence in graphics mode (with dancer icons).
  • Show Progression
  • Problems (Ctrl+P) marks the current sequence as having one or more problems. During the dance, you may wish to mark a sequence as having one or more problems. After the dance, the sequence can be located and corrected as necessary. Problems may be selected from the following list: 'Too long', 'Too short', 'Does not resolve', 'Illegal choreography', 'Awkward flow', 'Not liked by dancers', 'Heads/Sides used after first line', and 'Same hand twice in a row'. There are also three "user-defined' problems that can be specified.
  • Swap heads and sides
  • Difficulty / Rating / Star
  • Parse sequence parses the current sequence to determine its level, and whether or not it contains any unknown or misspelled calls.
  • Proofread sequence determines whether or not the sequence resolves.
  • Move sequence within frame

    • Move to first moves the current sequence to the beginning of the frame.
    • Move to previous moves the current sequence backward one position within the frame.
    • Move to next moves the current sequence forward one position within the frame.
    • Move to last moves the current sequence to the end of the frame.
  • Move sequence to another frame (Ctrl+M) moves the current sequence from the primary frame to a specified frame and position within that frame.
  • Shuffle sequences

    • All frames (except 'Used') shuffles the order of sequences within each sequence frame. The 'used sequences' frame retains the order in which the sequences were called.
    • Main frame only shuffles the order of sequences within the primary frame.
  • Sort sequences

    • All frames (except 'Used')
    • Main frame only
  • Use sequence (Ctrl+U) marks the sequence as being used, moving it from the primary frame to the 'used sequences' frame.
  • Remove sequence (Ctrl+R) removes the sequence from the dance without marking it as 'used'.
  • Undo last remove undoes the last 'Remove sequence' command. The removed sequence is restored to the frame from which it was removed. Only the most recently removed sequence can be restored.

  • CSDS Music Player (M) brings the CSDS Music Player to the foreground.
  • Recorder
  • Square Dance Cue Sheet Database (G)
  • Round Dance Cue Sheet Database
  • Lyrics Databbase
  • Database (D) brings the (Load From) Music Database window to the foreground.
  • History list (H) brings the Music History List to the foreground.
  • Quick list (Q) brings the Music Quick List to the foreground.
  • Special Events (E)
  • Music Queue (I)
  • Composite History List
  • Music labels

  • Start TIP (T) starts the tip timer.
  • Start BREAK (B) starts the break timer.
  • Stop timer (S) stops the timer.
  • Timer Preferences... accesses tip and break timer functions. The default time (in minutes and seconds) can be set for both the tip timer and the break timer. Other parameters can also be modified, such as whether or not to beep when the timer elapses.

  • Ceder Chest Definitions accesses definitions from the Ceder Chest Square Dance Definition Books.
  • Definition Database
  • Help displays this help document.


The Toolbar allows quick access to selected functions.

  • CSDS Music Player (M) - brings the CSDS music player to the foreground. See Music Player. - same as Music | CSDS Music Player.
  • Music Database - brings the (Load From) Music Database window to the foreground - same as Music | Database.
  • Music Quick List (Q) - brings the Music Quick List to the foreground - same as Music | Quick list.
  • Music History List (H) - brings the Music History List to the foreground - same as Music | History list.
  • Square Dance Cue Sheet Database (G) -
  • Round Dance Cue Sheet Database -
  • Lyrics Database -
  • Music Special Events (E) -
  • Music Queue (I) -
  • New sequence [Graphics] -
  • Preferences... - displays the CSDS Settings dialog box - same as File | Settings....
  • Timer Preferences... - displays the Timer tab of the CSDS Settings dialog box - same as Timer | Timer settings....
  • - Find Text String (Ctrl+F) - displays the Find Text dialog box - same as Navigate | Find Text String....
  • Find Previous (Ctrl+N) - searches sequence frame(s) for the previous occurrence matching the current search criteria - same as Navigate | Find Previous.
  • Find Next (N) - searches sequence frame(s) for the next occurrence matching the current search criteria - same as Navigate | Find Next.
  • Sequence text colors and relative sizes... - changes colors and relative font sizes used when displaying sequences - same as Display | Sequences | Colors and relative sizes....
  • Primary font... - changes the font name and font size used in the primary frame when displaying sequences - same as Display | Sequences | Primary font....
  • Shuffle All sequence frames (except 'Used') - shuffles sequences within each sequence frame - same as Edit | Shuffle sequences | All frames (except 'Used').
  • Dance properties - displays the properties of the current dance - same as File | Dance properties.
  • Normal display - sets the display format so that the primary frame is on the left, and the secondary frames are on the right in a column - same as Display | Screen format | Normal.
  • Split screen - sets the display format so that there are two side-by-side frames of equal width - same as Display | Screen format | Split.
  • Full screen - sets the display format so that the primary frame takes up most of the window - same as Display | Screen format | Full.
  • Enable/disable Drag+Drop to move sequences -
  • Definitions of Calls and Concepts - invokes the 'Definition of Calls and Concepts' window - same as Other | Definitions of Calls and Concepts.
  • Help - displays this help document.

Music Position Indicator

automatic loop

The Music Position Indicator shows'

  • the amount of time remaining until the music ends, or until the music is looped.
  • the effective beats per minute (bpm) for the loaded music.

Pressing the 'Loop reset (L)' button (or 'L' key) resets the music position to either the beginning of the music (if normal mode) or the loop start position (if automatic looping is on).

Status Bar

The Status bar shows

  • the CSDS Music Player status (Stopped (red), Playing (green), Paused (yellow), Fading (cyan) or Not Loaded).
  • the title, label, and label number of the currently playing music.
  • The music time remaining, and the current music time.


Most functions within the Call from Screen window can be invoked simply by pressing a single key. This allows you to concentrate on the dance instead of wasting time mousing around with scrolls and clicks. Try to memorize the shortcut keys that you find useful.

  • Ctrl++ and Ctrl+- –– increase and decrease the font sizes used in HTML cue sheets generated by CSDS.
  • F1 through F10 –– bring the selected sequence frame into the primary frame.
  • Ctrl+F1 –– brings the 'used sequence' frame into the primary frame.
  • Ctrl+F11, F11, F12 and Ctrl+F12 –– navigate respectively to the first, previous, next, and last sequence within the primary frame.
  • A –– toggles the music player's automatic loop (on <--> off).
  • B –– starts the break timer.
  • C –– brings the cue sheet into the primary frame.
  • D –– brings the (Load From) Music Database window to the foreground.
  • F –– starts the music fade out.
  • H –– brings the Music History List window to the foreground.
  • L –– does a music loop reset. If automatic loop mode is on, the music position is set to the start loop position. If automatic loop mode is off, the music starts at time 0.
  • M –– brings the CSDS Music Player to the foreground. Pressing M again will send the Music Player to the background.
  • Ctrl+M –– moves the current sequence to another frame and position within that frame.
  • N –– finds the next sequence matching the search criteria.
  • P –– toggles the music player between 'Play' and 'Pause'. That is, when the music is playing, P does a pause; when the music is not playing, P plays the music.
  • Q–– brings the Music Quick List window to the foreground.
  • R –– removes the current sequence from the primary frame.
  • S –– stops the timer.
  • T –– starts the tip timer.
  • U –– moves the current sequence from the primary frame to the 'used sequences' frame.
  • V –– brings the lyrics frame into the primary frame.
  • W –– rewinds and stops the music.
  • X, and Y –– brings the selected document into the primary frame.
  • Z –– brings the sight call frame into the primary frame.
  • < –– decreases the music tempo.
  • > –– increases the music tempo.

Additional note: When a sequence has focus (i.e., in the active frame), pressing the 'Enter' key now repeatedly does a 'Page Down' until the end of the sequence is displayed within the window, then repeatedly does a 'Page Up' until the start of the sequence is diplayed within the window. This functionality has also been added to 'Sequence View'.

last modified: 11-September-2024   Unique ID: 435

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