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Square Rotation Program (SQROT)
Square Rotation Program (SQROT)
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ID: 5

Preferences - Global

The Preferences - Global window changes preferences that affect all rotations in the database.

There are 6 tabs:
  1. Tip Generation
  2. Colors
  3. Folders
  4. Miscellaneous
  5. New Rotation
  6. Scanner

Tip Generation tab

  • Enable hot-key to Generate Next Tip - when checked, the specified hot-key can be used to invoke generation of the next tip.
  • Limit optimization to X seconds - sets the maximum time that the program can use to find the optimum solution for the next tip.
  • Ignore N Out M if more than X minutes - sets the time that, if elapsed between tips, that the program will reset the status of dancers who are in N out M to Ready. That is, the program assumes that the dancers have not danced any previous tips.

Colors tab

The Colors tab modifies the color schemes used by the program. Colors for individual status bars and colors for Toolbars and Grids can be modified or returned to default colors via this tab.

  • Rotation Condensed Display - colors used in the Rotation Window's Condensed Display.
  • Cards - color used for background fill for printed card sets.
  • Toolbars - color scheme for toolbars.

  • Grids - color scheme for grids.

Folders tab

  • Output files - sets the default output folder for saved files.

Miscellaneous tab

  • Date format in grid - specifies format of date within grid columns.
  • Time format in grid - specified format of time within grid columns.
  • Couple delimiter - specifies the join symbol (+, &, and) for default couple names.
  • Monetary symbol - monetary symbol (dollar, euro, pound, yen) to display next to paid status.
  • Compact Database on Exit Program - when checked, the database will be compacted upon program exit. This saves disk space, but may take a few seconds to run.
  • Check for program updates - specifies how often the program will check for a new version on the web. Values are (Never, Every time program starts, Once a day, Once a week, Once a month, Every 3 months). This occurs when the program starts. If a new version is found, a prompt appears whether or not to download the new version.

New Rotation tab

  • Students - specifes how students are handled by the program.
    • Must dance each tip - when checked, students will dance every tip. This is generally only used in a class situation. Students will not sitout.
    • Evenly distributed - when checked, students are evenly distributed within the squares. One square will rarely have more students than another. This evens out the strength in the hall, but makes it such that students may not dance with other students as often.
  • Angels - specifies how angels are handled by the program.
    • Have sitout priority - when checked, angels are the first to be selected to sitout. Depending upon the number of dancers ready for the next tip, an angel may only dance occasionally, or not at all.
    • Evenly distributed - when checked, angels are evenly distributed within the squares. One square will rarely have more angels that another. This evens out the strength in the hall. This means that angels may not dance with other angels as often. In my opinion, this option should only be used in a class situation, as the angel dancers will rarely be in the same square together, which may deprive them of that really great tip.
  • Attributes
    • Four couples sitout if even squares - when checked and if there are even squares, 8 dancers will sitout.
    • Limit to N squares - when checked, limits the number of squares to the specified value. This is used when the hall can only hold N squares and there are more than that many dancers.
  • Dancer Info Flags
    • Determines whether the fields are visible on the Dancer Info dialog box.

Scanner tab

  • Scanner Always On - when checked, the scanner status is set to on whenever the Rotation window is initialized.
  • Popup location - sets the screen location for the Scanner - Last Scan window.

    1. <default> - last scan window appears at default location (i.e., where it appeared last time). Window can be moved as desired, and will appear at that same location the next time.
    2. Center - last scan window appears centered on screen
    3. Bottom - last scan window appears at bottom of screen
  • Default action - determines the default action when a dancer barcode is scanned.

    1. Ready - Absent - scanning a dancer barcode alternates between Ready and Absent
    2. Ready - Sitout - Absent - scanning a dancer barcode cycles through Ready, Sitout, and Absent
  • Terminator code - specifies the terminator code for the scanner. If the scanner doesn't work, this field is probably set wrong. Possible values are: (Ctrl+J, Carriage Return, Tab).
  • Last Scan - specifies the look and behavior of the Scanner - Last Scan window.
    • Fade out time - specifies the fade out time for the Last Scan window.
    • Font - changes the font used by the Last Scan window.

last modified: 19-October-2024   ID: 5
28-March-2025 17:44:05
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