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ID: 60

FASR (Formation, Arrangement, Sequence, and Relationship)

FASR stands for "Formation, Arrangement, Sequence, and Relationship"

Note: CSDS does not recognize all possible FASR symbols

For getin or getout databases, see Getin/Getout - Perm #

FASR Symbol format:

  • 1st token indicates the arrangement number:
      "0" or null = normal pairing
      "1/2"       = all half sashayed
      "1"         = reference pairs are men
      "2"         = reference pairs are ladies
      "3"         = reference pairs normal, others half sashayed
      "4"         = reference pairs half sashayed, others normal
  • 2nd token indicates the formation:
      "B"  = Eight Chain Thru
      "F"  = Parallel R-H Two-Faced Lines
      "L"  = Facing Lines
      "W"  = Parallel R-H Waves
      "P"  = Double Pass Thru
      "C"  = R-H Columns
      "T"  = Trade By
      "Q"  = R-H 1/4 Tag
      "D"  = R-H Twin Diamonds
      "LW" = Parallel L-H Waves
      "LF" = Parallel L-H Two-Faced Lines
      "LC" = L-H Columns
  • 3rd token is for dancer sequence. In a 2x4, dancer sequence is via an 4-pair circular outline.
      1 = Boys IN seq,     Girls IN seq
      2 = Boys OUT of seq, Girls OUT of seq
      3 = Boys IN seq,     Girls OUT of seq
      4 = Boys OUT of seq, Girls IN seq
  • 4th token is the Girl who is "partnered" with the key Boy.
         From Parallel Lines, the key boy is in position E or Y.
         From an Eight Chain Thru, the key boy is in position A or C.
         From DPT, the key boy is in position A or E.
         From 1/4 Tag, the key boy is in position E or Y.
      c = corner
      o = opposite
      p = partner
      r = R-H lady

last modified: 26-June-2024   ID: 60

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