Via Sequence | Edit [Graphics]
The new way to write Hex choreography...
The sequence database is defined as follows:
Edits are made via Sequence | Edit [Graphics]:
The numbers in the upper right (e.g., 16-12) assist in resolving the square.
The first number indicates which Boys need to Trade so that the Boys are in sequence.
E.g., 16 means the #1 Boy and #6 Boy need to exchange places.
The second number indicates which Girls need to Trade so that the Girls are in sequence.
E.g., 12 means the #1 Girl and #2 Girl need to exchange places.
button toggles between the two different views for the same formation, if possible.
This button toggles between the two
different views of the same formation
The snapshot database currently primarily only contains hex snapshots for A2 and below.
There is currently no function to find getouts.
Since entering a snapshot for a new instance of a call is a bit tedious,
it isn't currently recommended that users do so.
There are several known issues with executing hex calls.
Should you encounter a call that can't be done, or was done incorrectly,
please send details to Contact Vic.