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ID: 645

Call from Screen - Cue Sheet

Sample Square Dance Cue Sheet within a Call From Screen window:


  • Use Music - Edit Item to associate an individual cue sheet with a music item.
  • Cue sheets are usually associated with music items when music items are added to the Music Database in the Edit Music Database window via menu option 'Edit | Add new music file(s)' or 'Edit | Add new Music Files from Folder...'.
  • To make sure as many cue sheets as possible are linked, open the Edit Music Database window and use menu option 'Tools | Add cue sheets, lyrics, and more...'.
  • When calling with another caller and using their music, you can display the cue sheet on your computer as follows:
    1. Open the Cue Sheet Database by pressing the G-key (or use the toolbar button or the 'Music' menu).
    2. Search for the music item, and double-click on it to display the cue sheet.

Cue Sheet Preferences

Preferences - Music (2) has the following preferences relating to Cue Sheets:

  • Cue sheets - Maximize external viewer
    • When checked, cue sheets displayed in an external viewer such as Microsoft Word have the viewer window maximized.
    • When not checked, the viewer window is displayed with its default size.
  • Cue sheets - use RTF instead of HTML
    • When checked, cue sheets from the cue sheet database are displayed in Rich Text Format (RTF) instead of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).
  • Cue sheets - use two columns for HTML
    • When checked, HTML cue sheets are displayed with two columns of text, which minimizes vertical scrolling.
  • Cue sheets - hide if marked as patter on
    • When checked, and when in the Call From Screen, cue sheets are not displayed if the music item is marked as Patter on (i.e., item is hoedown)

Cue Sheet Display

The 'Display | Cue sheet' menu option changes how cue sheets are displayed.

  • Colors and Fonts...
    Opens the Cue Sheet - Colors and Fonts dialog box to change how a cue sheet is displayed.
    See Preferences - Fonts for more information.
  • Decrease text size  Ctrl+-
    Decreases cue sheet text size by approximately 10%.
    Press and hold the Ctrl key while pressing the 'Minus' (hyphen) key. You may need to do this several times to obtain your desired size.
  • Increase text size  Ctrl++
    Increases cue sheet text size by approximately 10%.
    Press and hold the Ctrl key while pressing the 'Plus' key. You may need to do this several times to obtain your desired size.
  • Style = HTML
    Displays the cue sheet via HTML (hypertext mark up language).
  • Style = RTF
    Displays the cue sheet via RTF (rich text format).
  • Two columns is style = HTML
    When checked, HTML cue sheets are displayed with two columns of text, which minimizes vertical scrolling.

last modified: 21-December-2024   ID: 645

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