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ID: 67

Snapshot - Edit

The Snapshot - Edit window allows a record in the snapshot database to be edited.

For explanation of fields, see Snapshot - Fields and Flags.

Window Sections

The window has many parts:

  • A picture consisting of small dancer icons is displayed in either the upper left corner (if it is the Before picture), or the upper right corner (if it is the After picture).
    • The Before picture (upper L-H corner or center of window) shows the dancers before executing the call.
    • The After picture (upper R-H corner or center of window) shows the dancers at the completion of the call.
  • The picture consisting of normal-sized dancer icons is displayed in the center of the window.

    Clicking on the picture with the small icons swaps the Before and After pictures. Swapping the Before and After pictures can alternatively be done by selecting menu option Edit before picture or Edit after picture.
  • Centered at the top of the window is the current selected dancer. Within the center picture (normal-sized dancer icons), this dancer also has a box drawn around them. The information within the Aft Facing or Bef Facing frame and the Aft Roll or Bef Roll frame applies only to the current selected dancer. A different dancer may be selected either by using the dropdown list at the top of the window, or by positioning the mouse over a dancer and clicking the left-button of the mouse.
  • At the top of the window, either in the left corner or the right corner (depending upon whether the Before picture or After picture is in the center) is a list of calls and their associated handles. The concatenation of these calls is the call for the snapshot record being edited.
  • The center of the window shows either the Before picture or After picture for the current snapshot record. Dancers can be moved either by left-clicking and dragging them with the mouse, or by holding down the Shift-button and using the cursor keys or the numeric pad. To change the facing direction of the current dancer, either right-click on the dancer, or select the desired facing direction from the Aft Facing or Bef Facing frame.

    To change the facing direction of a dancer:
    • If option flag Use pop-up menu for facing directions is checked:
      1. Click the right-button of the mouse upon the dancer icon to be changed
      2. Select the new facing direction from the pop-up menu.
    • If option flag Use pop-up menu for facing directions is not checked:
      1. Position the mouse pointer so that the tip of the arrow is on the dancer icon at the position where the new nose is desired;
      2. Click the right-button of the mouse.
      3. The Aft Facing or Bef Facing frame (lower L-H corner of the window) changes the facing direction of the current dancer. The following facing directions are available:
        • Up (North) means the dancer is facing the top of the window.
        • Down (South) means the dancer is facing the bottom of the window.
        • Vertical means the dancer can either be facing Up or Down (North or South). The dancer is displayed with both an Up-nose and a Down-nose.
        • Right (East) means the dancer is facing the right side of the window.
        • Left (West) means the dancer is facing the left side of the window.
        • Horizontal means that the dancer can either be facing Right or Left (East or West). The dancer is displayed with both a Right-nose and a Left-nose.
        • Any means the dancer can be facing in any direction. The dancer is displayed with 4 noses.
  • The Aft Roll or Bef Roll frame (lower R-H corner of the window) changes the roll attribute after or before the call.
    • Aft Roll changes the Roll direction after the call.
      • None means the current dancer can not Roll after the call.
      • Right means the current dancer's Roll direction is clockwise.
      • Left means the current dancer's Roll direction is counter-clockwise.
      • Inherit means the current dancer's Roll direction is inherited from the previously executed call. This option is only used in a few cases, such as Anything Couple Up where the Trailers inherit the Roll from the previous call.
    • Bef Roll changes the Roll direction that is required prior to the call for the current dancer. This option is used for calls that require previous flow such as Sweep 1/4. For calls that do not require previous flow, this field should be set to Any.
      • Any indicates that the current dancer does not require any previous body flow.
      • Right indicates that the current dancer must be turning clockwise. That is, the dancer would Quarter Right if the next call was a Roll.
      • Left indicates that the current dancer must be turning counter-clockwise. That is, the dancer would Quarter Left if the next call was a Roll.
  • Centered at the bottom of the window is a frame which rotates the entire Before picture by 45 degrees, either clockwise or counter-clockwise. This is used for calls such as (from a Thar) Slip The Clutch or Cross By.
    • -45 means rotate the Before picture by 45 degrees counter-clockwise
    • 0 means don't rotate the Before picture.
    • 45 means rotate the Before picture by 45 degrees clockwise.
  • The Active frame (R-H side of the window) indicates whether or not each dancer is active at the completion of the call. Checked dancers are active.

    Active sets the active status of groups of dancers. This is a short cut for clicking several individual check boxes within the Active frame.
    • All sets all dancers to active.
    • None sets all dancers to inactive.
    • Invert toggles the active setting of each dancer.
    • Boys sets Boys to active and the Girls to inactive.
    • Girls sets Girls to active and the Boys to inactive.
    • Heads sets Heads to active and the Sides to inactive.
    • Sides sets Sides to active and the Heads to inactive.
    • Head Corners sets the Head Men and Side Ladies to active and the other dancers to inactive.
    • Side Corners sets the Side Men and Head Ladies to active and the other dancers to inactive.

Edit before picture or Edit after picture moves the specified picture to the foreground (normal-sized dancer icons in the center of the window). Help explains how to move a dancer and change their facing direction. 1) Drag dancers to a new position by using the left-button of the mouse. 2) To change the facing direction of a dancer: If option flag Use pop-up menu for facing directions is checked: 1) Click the right-button of the mouse upon the dancer icon to be changed 2) Select the new facing direction from the pop-up menu. If option flag Use pop-up menu for facing directions is not checked: 1) Position the mouse pointer so that the tip of the arrow is on the dancer icon at the position where the new nose is desired; 2) Click the right-button of the mouse. Zoom toggles the display between a 12x12 grid and a 16x16 grid. If one or more dancers are outside a 12x12 grid, then the grid resolution is not changed. Other accesses infrequently used menu options.
  • Grid, when checked, displays the dashed grid on the window.
  • Use pop-up menu for facing direction determines how the program behaves when the mouse is right-clicked on a dancer.
  • When checked, right-clicking the mouse on a dancer invokes a pop-up menu that allows the facing direction to be selected.
  • When not checked, right-clicking the mouse on a dancer changes the nose to be at the position at which the mouse was clicked. Generalized noses are created by right-clicking again at the same position
  • Reset everything undoes all changes made to the snapshot record.
  • Mirror everything replaces all data except the handle list with it's mirror image version.
  • Rotate 90 degrees clockwise rotates the entire record by 90 degrees clockwise.
  • Clear BefRoll for all dancers sets the Before Roll attribute of all dancers to Any.
Exit exits this window. If changes were made to the record, you will be prompted as to if you wish to save them.

To move a dancer:

  • with mouse:
    Click (& hold) to drag dancer to a new spot
  • without mouse:
    use NumericKeyPad

To change a dancer's facing direction:

  • with mouse:
    Position the mouse pointer where the nose is desired and click the right-button
    (click again to cycle between generalized directions)
  • without mouse:
    Use Ctrl+(NumericKeyPad)

last modified: 14-March-2024   ID: 67

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