Preferences - Music (1)Previous Tab Next Tab
On program startup - open Music Player
When checked, the CSDS Music Player is displayed upon program start-up.
on open Music player - also open Music Special Events
When checked, the Music Special Events window is also loaded
when the Music Player is initially loaded.
On load music - set mute off (enable sound)
When checked, Sound is enabled (MUTE is set to OFF)
whenever a new music file is loaded.
On load music - maximize volume
When checked, Player Volume, Master Volume, & Wave Volume
are maximized whenever a new music file is loaded.
On load music - normalize balance
When checked, Balance is normalized whenever a new music file is loaded.
On load music - prompt if in current quick list
When checked, and music is loaded from anywhere other than the current quick list,
a notification prompt appears if the music item is in the quick list.
Show "Delay + Play" button
When checked, the "Delay + Play" button is shown on the music player.
This is useful for round dance cuers when teaching a particular portion of a dance.
Pressing the "Delay + Play" button causes the program to delay N seconds
and then play the loaded music from M seconds before the marker.
N and M are set via the two dropdown lists.
Disable error message 'Unable to open mixer'
When checked, the 'Unable to open mixer'
error message is not displayed.
Show Music Player in Taskbar
When checked, the CSDS Music Player is shown in the Windows Taskbar.
Show RPM on Music Player
When checked, the revolutions per minute (rpm) relative to a vinyl 45 rpm record
is displayed above the status bar on the music player. For round dance cuers.
On close Music Player - set mute on (disable sound)
When checked, Sound is disabled (MUTE is set to ON)
whenever the CSDS Music Player is closed.