*** OLD ***
The Ceder Square Dance System (CSDS) is a tool for writing square dance choreography, storing
square dance sequences, modules and resolves, and manipulating lists of square dance calls.
2-couple, 3-couple, 4-couple, and 6-couple choreography can be written. The program also allows for asymmetric
sequences and square rotation of 45 degrees (e.g., 1/2 Counter Rotate 1/4, or from a Thar: Cross By).
CSDS was designed to be versatile, so much so in fact, that it will allow 'illegal' moves to be done.
Although the program knows how to do some concepts, it does not know the definition of most calls. It
learns from you. If you try to do a call from a position that the program does not recognize, you are
asked to move the dancers from their starting positions to their ending positions. You will also need to
specify information such as each dancer's Roll-direction at the end of the call and whether or not each
dancer is active at the end of the call. This information is saved in the snapshot database, and from then
on the program can do that call from that position. Hence, over time, the snapshot database is
personalized with your style of writing material. The program can generate resolves from the snapshot
records that you entered. The program allows new calls to be added, and you can define your own
spelling and abbreviation of calls.
CSDS also has 'fuzzy' call matching, meaning that the program can execute calls from positions in
which dancers are not exactly on the required starting footprints for the call. Each dancer can be 1/2 of a
position away from their required starting footprint and still be able to do the call. This feature allows
calls such as Ping Pong Circulate to be done from Twin Diamond footprints as well as from 1/4 Tag
footprints (in the first case, the outside dancers are not immediately adjacent, and in the second case, they
are immediately adjacent).