*** OLD ***
This page describes databases and files used by CSDS.
Abbreviation Database
The abbreviation database translates abbreviations into their corresponding
expansions. For example, if you type an abbreviation such as PTO, PAOC, PSOC or
PATHOC the program replaces it with Pass The Ocean.
The supplied abbreviation database contains abbreviations for most calls. Each call has two
default abbreviations:
the concatenation of the first letter of each word of the call.
the concatenation of the first two letters of each word of the call.
For example, the default abbreviations for Split Phantom Waves are SPW and SPPHWA.
If you type an abbreviation for which there are duplicate expansions, the program prompts
you to select the desired expansion (e.g., if you type ST, the program displays a dialog box
asking if you want Swing Thru, Slide Thru, Star Thru, etc.). The abbreviation database can
be edited to add your own favorite abbreviations. You can also remove abbreviations or
expansions that you never intend to use.
The length of an abbreviation plus the length of its expansion can not exceed 92 characters
An Abbreviation is a text string without any spaces. Abbreviations are
automatically converted into uppercase within the abbreviation database.
An Expansion may be any combination of uppercase and lowercase characters, and
may contain spaces.
In addition, the following intrinsic abbreviations are available:
B\ Boy
BS\ Boys
C\ Center
CS\ Centers
CB\ Center Boy
CBS\ Center Boys
CC\ Center Column
CD\ Center Diamond
CG\ Center Girl
CGS\ Center Girls
CL\ Center Line
CW\ Center Wave
ES\ Ends
EB\ End Boy
EBS\ End Boys
EG\ End Girl
EGS\ End Girls
G\ Girl
GS\ Girls
H\ Head
HS\ Heads
HB\ Head Boy
HBS\ Head Boys
HC\ Head Corners
HG\ Head Girl
HGS\ Head Girls
L\ Leader
LS\ Leaders
O\ Outside
OS\ Outsides
S\ Side
SS\ Sides
SB\ Side Boy
SBS\ Side Boys
SC\ Side Corners
SG\ Side Girl
SGS\ Side Girls
T\ Trailer
TS\ Trailers
The direction of the slash (/ or \) doesn't matter (both HS/ and HS\ are converted to
Heads), and the slash does not need to be followed by a space or punctuation (For example,
HS\PTO is converted to Heads Pass The Ocean).
Ceder Chest
Ceder Chest Definitions from
www.ceder.net for A1, A2, C1, C2, C3A and C3B.
Some definitions area also available for Basic, Mainstream, Plus, and C4.
Contra Calls
Individual dance files
DANCE/<name>.DNC, DANCE/<name>.FRM
Dates Database
The Dates Database tracks where and when individual sequences were called.
Each record contains a date, a location, and a list of sequences called on that date at
that location.
The location (place at which a sequence was used) must be of length 1 to 32 characters.
No more than 30 different sequence databases may be entered for a given date.
Definition Database contains square dance definitions
www.ceder.net. These are all definitions other than the
Ceder Chest Definitions.
Getin/Getout Databases
Getin databases contain the first few calls of a sequence starting from a squared set.++++
Getout databases contain the last few calls of a sequence (resolves).
Two databases are initially supplied:
GETIN database
contains the first few lines (usually 3 or fewer) of a sequence.
useful for creating opening biggies
useful for fixing sequences in which two (or more) dancers are swapped,
such as when the Side Men are out of sequence.
GETOUT database
- contain resolves.
When writing a sequence in graphics mode, the GETOUT database can be searched
for all the getouts from the current position.
A window is displayed listing several getouts from the current position. You can then examine the
displayed getouts, but perhaps for some reason (such as bad flow, wrong level, etc) you
decide that you don't want to use any of them. You can then exit the getout display,
execute another call, and then search the resulting position for possible getouts. Also,
when viewing the list of getouts, if you notice that a particular getout is not included in the
list, you can add it.
In addition, the program automatically creates/updates a NEWGETIN database
if the 'Generate getins using getin tree' command is selected, and automatically
creates/updates a NEWGO database if the 'Generate getouts' command is selected.
- Neither the GETIN database nor the GETOUT database can be renamed or deleted.
A getin/getout database name must be of length 1 to 8 characters.
Getins/getouts are applicable only to 8-dancer choreography and a fixed number (26) of formations.
Dancers within the formation must be symmetric.
The text of a getin/getout can not exceed 200 characters. This includes spaces and punctuation.
Also, each line in the getin/getout contributes 2 to this length (for the carriage
return and linefeed).
By design, the level of a getin/getout is automatically determined by the program. The
level can not be edited. This is so that when a call changes levels, the getin/getout records
can automatically be updated.
List Database
The list database contains calls, concepts, formations, identifiers, directions, numerics, and
other square dance terminology. Each record in the list database is assigned a unique
number (known as the handle) that is used within the other databases as an index to
uniquely identify the particular call, concept, formation, identifier, etc. Each record also
contains information such as the level, the minimum number of dancers required, the
number of parts in the call, and flags such as whether or not the call is sex-dependent.
The name of a list must be of length 1 to 8 characters.
The name of a level must be of length 1 to 4 characters.
The text in a list database record (e.g., the name of the call, concept, identifier, formation,
etc.) can not exceed 38 characters.
Levels Order File - *** OBSOLETE, transfer data to LIST DATABASE
The Levels Order File (LEVELS.DAT) contains the levels of square dancing (e.g., B, MS,
PLUS, A1, A2) as well as other 'levels' that are used to hold square dance terminology not
explicitly on another list.
The following levels are initially supplied:
MISC is used to hold miscellaneous information that is not explicitly on any other list.
This includes fractions, identifiers such as Boys or Girls, formation names, etc.
B, MS, PL, A1, A2, C1, C2, C3A, and C3B are the standard lists.
BV, MSV, PLV, A1V, A2V, C1V, C2V, C3AV, and C3BV are for calls that are used at
the base level but are not explicitly on that list. For example, Cast A Shadow is on the A1
list, and Cast A Shadow Don't Spread is on the A1V list.
C4A, C4B, C4C, C4D, C4E, C4F, and C4G contain C4 calls. This is my particular
partitioning of the C4 list. I call the calls on C4A through C4D. C4E is for calls that I'm
considering using. C4F is for calls that I have decided not to use (although other C4 callers
may use them), and C4G is for obscure or defunct C4 calls.
Lyrics Database
Music Database
Parse Database
The parse database translates square dance text into lists of handles pointing into
the list database. Parsing allows a call to have multiple spellings. For example, a call such
as Left Allemande could be spelled as Left Allemande, Left Allemand, Allemand Left, AL,
LA, etc. The parse database would translate each of the aforementioned text strings into the
handle '1429' which uniquely identifies an Allemande Left within the list database.
The text for a parse database record can not exceed 50 characters.
The maximum number of handles per parse database record is 6.
The level of a call can not be successfully determined if the call is on two separate lists.
For example, Recycle is on the MS and A2 lists. The program determines the level by
selecting the least of the two levels. The same problem exists for Explode (Plus, A1),
Reverse Explode (C1, C4D), and Rotates (C1, C2, C3B).
Parts Database
Sequence Databases
Sequence databases store square dance sequences. A given sequence database can hold
only one of the following types of sequences:
normal sequences (sequences that start from a squared set and end with a resolve)
opening biggies (normal sequences containing only a few calls)
singing call sequences (either corner progression or R-H Lady progression)
stir the bucket routines
modules (such as Zero Box to Zero Line, Static Set to Zero Line, etc.).
It is recommended that sequences be stored and grouped by level and type of sequences.
For example, you might have the following sequence databases for A2 level sequences:
- A2 for 'normal' A2 sequences.
- A2U for asymmetric A2 sequences.
- A2WS for A2 workshop sequences.
- A2SCS for A2 singing call sequences.
- A2Q for A2 'quickies' (opening biggies).
- A2-2CPL for two-couple A2 sequences.
Sequence database names must be between 1 and 8 characters in length and may not
contain any spaces, periods, colons, or slashes.
The name of a sequence database must be of length 1 to 8 characters.
Snapshot Database
The Snapshot Database contains information on how to execute calls.
Each database
record consists of a before and after picture, as well as other information such as each
dancer's Active attribute and Roll attribute both before and after the call.
If any dancers are at 45 degree angles, all dancers must be at 45 degree angles. Some
dancers can not be at 90 degree angles while others are 45 degree angles.
Snapshot database records can not contain more than 12 dancers per record.
The maximum number of handles in a snapshot record is 18.
Square Dance Cue Sheet Database
Square Dance Cue Sheet Database contains
cue sheets from the music database at
Round Dance Cue Sheet Database
User Info File
The user info file translates author ID into author names,
and contains encoded information for user keys.
Web Choreo
Other Databases
Pictures, Error Log, Registry, SEQ.PRT
The Getin Tree (GETINTREE.DAT) is created by the CSDS program. The Getin Tree is a
hierarchial tree showing the first three lines of text from each record in your normal 8-
dancer sequence databases. The Getin Tree can be used to automatically generate
getins (which are added to database NEWGETIN).
A Dance (Dance\*.dnc and Dance\*.frm)
The Sequence Print List (Seq\Seq.Prt) is a list of sequences waiting to be printed.
When a new sequence is created, the database name and index of the sequence is
added to the print list. When a sequence is edited, viewed, or imported, it can also be
added to the print list. After a sequence has been printed, it is removed from the print
The CSDS Initialization File (Csds.Ini) contains information saved between
invocations of the program.