Perm # is used by getin and getout databases to specify
a formation, dancer location, and dancer facing directions.
Perm # is usually displayed as a 17-character text string
of the form X-XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX.
A perm number consists of 5 tokens delimited by hypens ("-").
The first token is a letter ("A" through "Z") specifying the formation
(see Formation List below).
Each remaining token is a 3-character string specifying the dancer in one
of the positions "A", "C", "E", or "Y".
- token #2 specifies the dancer in position "A"
- token #3 specifies the dancer in position "C"
- token #4 specifies the dancer in position "E"
- token #5 specifies the dancer in position "Y"
Tokens #2 through #5 are defined as follows:
The first character of the token is the couple number (1 through 4).
The second character is the sex ("M" for man, "L" for lady).
When editing the field, also allows "B" for boy,
"G" for girl, "M" for male, "F" for female).
The third character is the facing direction
("U" for up, "D" for down, "R" for right, "L" for left.
When editing the field, also allows "N" for north,
"S" for south, "E" for east, "W" for west).
When entering a value within the
Perm # field, hypens ("-") need not be typed.
Formation List