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ID: 925

Getin/Getout - Find GETOUT Record(s)

There are two ways to search for Getin/Getout records:
  1. via a Perm number
  2. via a generalized search
Both methods are described below.

Perm number tab

Search by Perm # searches for records with a FASR (i.e., specific formation, dancer arrangement, and dancer facing directions).

  • Perm # - text - see Getin/Getout - Perm #
  • Perm # - numeric - the numerical equivalent of the perm # text.
  • FASR symbol - see FASR (Formation, Arrangement, Sequence, and Relationship)
  • Formation
  • [dancer icons] show the locations and facing directions of dancers within the current formation.

    To exchange two dancers:
    1. Click the left-button of the mouse on the first dancer;
    2. Click the left-button of the mouse on the second dancer.
    To change the facing direction of a dancer:
    • If option flag Use pop-up menu for facing directions is checked:
      1. Click the right-button of the mouse upon the dancer icon to be changed
      2. Select the new facing direction from the pop-up menu.
    • If option flag Use pop-up menu for facing directions is not checked:
      1. Position the mouse pointer so that the tip of the arrow is on the dancer icon at the position where the new nose is desired;
      2. Click the right-button of the mouse.
  • Use pop-up menu for facing direction
  • Skip deleted records, when checked, excludes records marked as deleted from the search.
  • OK begins the search.
  • Cancel returns to the previous window.

Generalized tab

A generalized search searches the current getin/getout database for records containing specific information.

  • The left-hand column lists several fields upon which the search can be limited.
  • When a particular checkbox is checked, a record from the database must have its corresponding field match the value shown or be within the range specified to the immediate right of the checkbox.

  • Record range, when checked, limits the search to the specified contiguous range of database records. Both the start record and end record indices are specified. The index of the first record in the database is 1; the index of the last record in the database is shown above the End edit box in the max= field.
  • Level, when checked, limits the search to records in which the level is within the specified start and end level inclusive.
  • Text, when checked, limits the search to records that contain the specified text string. The search is case-independent.
  • Proofread status, when checked, limits the search to only those records that have the selected proofread string (Yes = proofread, No = not proofread).
  • Private status, when checked, limits the search to only those records that have the selected private status (Yes = private, No = not private).
  • Use count, when checked, limits the search to records in which the use count is within the specified start and end values inclusive.
  • Call or Handle, when checked limits the search to records that contain the specified call or handle. Either a call name or a handle number may be entered within this field.
  • Quickie use, when checked, limits the search to records in which the quickie use count is within the specified start and end values inclusive.
  • Level used at, when checked, limits the search to records in which the last level at which the getin/getout was used is within the specified start and end level inclusive.
  • Author, when checked, limits the search to only those records created by a selected author. 'CSDS' means that the record was automatically generated by the CSDS program.
  • Date
  • Deleted status, when checked, only finds records that are deleted, or records that are not deleted.

Press OK begins the search, or Cancel to return to the previous window.

last modified: 14-March-2024   ID: 925

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