Parse Text String window can be invoked from the
CSDS Main Menu
via 'Parse | Text string', as well as from other places in the program.
This window is helpful in debugging changes made to the
Parse Database.
How to use
Enter a text string of square dance terminology in the String to parse edit box.
Then press the Enter key or Parse It button to display the results of the parse.
*** Needs new picture
Window Parts
String to parse is a text string of square dance terminology.
Enter text here and then press the Enter key or the 'Parse It' button.
The remainder of the window then displays the results of the parse.
Resolve abbreviations, when checked, causes abbreviations within the
'String to parse' to be expanded.
The results grid (center of the window) displays the successfully parsed pieces.
The following columns are displayed:
Level - the level as defined within the list database.
SSD Week - the SSD Week (teach order) of this call, if applicable.
Handle - the handle within the list database.
Type - the call type.
See List Database - Edit for a description of call types.
Text - the name of the item within the list database.
Parts - the number of parts in the call.
Dancers - the number of dancers required to do the call.
Flags - the flags set for this handle.
See List Database - Edit for a description of call types.
Parsed level is the level of the terminology within the string to parse.
This is the maximum level of all handles decoded from the string.
Reconstructed string -
the square dance terminology string as reconstructed by the program using the
handles determined from the String to parse. This frame is displayed only if the entire String
to parse was successfully parsed.
Unknown tokens -
a list of words that were not recognized by the parser. This frame is displayed
only if the entire String to parse was not successfully parsed.