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ID: 969

Parse - Edit Database

Edit Parse Database allows edits to the parse database. The Parse Database controls how square dance text is converted into numbers (also known as a handle list) so that the computer understands the call.

Be sure that you understand the consequences of any changes made to this database, as you may inadvertently cause the program to no longer recognize certain calls.


  • New record  Ctrl+N
    Adds a new record and allows it to be edited via the Edit Record frame (see below).
  • Edit selected record  Ctrl+E
    Edits the highlighted record via the Edit Record frame (see below).
  • Delete selected record  Ctrl+D
    After confirmation, deletes the currently highlighted record.
  • Save changes to database  Ctrl+S
    Saves all changes made so far to the database.
  • Close  Ctrl+Q
    Closes this window and returns to the previous window.
    If any changes have not been saved, you are prompted whether or not to save the changes.

Find all records matching the selected filter:

  • Text string  Ctrl+T
    Searches the Text field for a given string. The search is not case-sensitive.
  • Handl  Ctrl+H
    Searches for a given handle number.
  • Resolution  Ctrl+R
    Searches the Resolution field for a given string. The search is not case-sensitive.
  • Band handles  Ctrl+B
    Searches for bad handles. A bad handle is any handle that is not a special handle (≥ 32000) and does not have a corresponding entry in the list database.
  • Remove find filter
    Cancels the above search.

  • All Handles in List Database
    Opens a dialog box showing the text and handle of all records in the list database. The display can be sorted by text, or by handle. This allows you to find the handle for a specific call.

  • Clean Parse Database
    Takes the text of each record in the parse database, applies an internal cleanup function, and then re-inserts the cleaned text back into the record.

    The cleanup function removes text within parentheses, converts lowercase to uppercase, replaces punctuation with spaces, collapses contiguous spaces into a single space, and converts specific text strings to other text strings.

    The cleanup function is applied throughout the program to all text strings before they are parsed.
  • Remove Duplicates
    Removes duplicate records - those records with matching text and handle list.

  • Edit Parse Database
    Displays the help file you're currently reading.


  • - New record (Ctrl+N)
  • - Edit selected record (Ctrl+E)
  • - Delete selected record (Ctrl+D)
  • - Save changes to database (Ctrl+S)
  • - Find text (Ctrl+T)
  • - Find handle (Ctrl+H)
  • - Find Resolution (Ctrl+R)
  • - Find Bad (Ctrl+B)
  • - Remove find filter
  • - Customize grid
  • - Help - Edit Parse Database

Edit Record frame

The Edit Record frame edits the contents of the current record.

Enter the Text and the Handle list then press the 'Save Edits' button to save, or 'Cancel' to discard any changes.

The 'Copy Handle List from Selected Row' button inserts the handle list from the currently selected grid row into the Handle list edit box. This makes it easier to add several text strings that resolve to the same handle list.

last modified: 29-June-2024   ID: 969

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