(Any Tagging Call) and Scatter
Busy (Any Call)
By Golly
1/4|1/2|3/4 Cast and Relay
Central Concept
Change the Centers
Change the Wave
Change Your Image
(Cross) Chuck a Luck
Criss Cross the Deucey
Cross Cycle (1/3|2/3)
Cross Flip the Line 1/4|1/2|3/4|Full
Cross Lockit
Diagonal Boxes
Divide the Ocean|Sea (I|O|R|L|(Any Call))
Explode the Diamond
Fan Concept
Flip Your Lid
Gee Whiz
Good Show
In Style
Interlocked Scoot and Counter|Rally|Ramble
Kick By N
Lickety Split
Lift Off
Line to Line
(Cross) Loop and 1/4|1/2|3/4|Full Tag
Magic Diamonds|Lines|Waves Concept
Mirror Concept
e.g., Mirror Circle By
Mirror Recycle
(Cross) Nuclear Reaction
Phantom Lines|Waves|Columns Concept
Pitch (Direction)
| |
Random (Any Concept) Concept
(Cross) Reactivate
(Any Tagging Call) (Cross) Reactivate
Reflected (Any Tagging Call)
Reset 1/4|1/2|3/4|Full
Reverse Checkpoint (Any Call1) by (Any Call2)
Reverse the Pass
Reverse the Top
Revert (Any Tagging Call)
Revolve to a Wave
Rip Off
Rotary Circulate
Rotates (from Columns)
Shake and Rattle
Split Sidetrack
Single Concept
Split Phantom Boxes Concept
(Cross) N Steps at a Time
Strut Right|Left
Swap the Top variations:
Cross|Mirror|Mirror Cross
Swing o Late
Tag the Top
(Any Tagging Call) the Top
Take N
Trade the Diamond
Trapezoid Concept
Triple Waves|Lines Working Forward|Backward
Turn the Key
Two-Faced Concept
Twosome Concept
Wave the (Anyone)
With Confidence
Z Axle
Z Concept (4 dancers only)