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Square Dance Calls authored by Bill Shymkus

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8 records

This may not be a complete list of all calls authored by Bill Shymkus.

 Dixie Daisy 


From Single Double Pass Thru formation
(or from Facing Couples, in which case the Belle goes in front).

  1. Centers right pull by;
  2. all left turn thru;
  3. Centers right pull by.

Ends in a Single Completed Double Pass Thru formation.

Comments and Examples:

Similar to Dixie Chain but on part 2, everyone does a Left Turn Thru instead of Left Pull By.

From Single Double Pass Thru formation,
Dixie Daisy is equivalent to U-Turn Back.

Bill Shymkus 1958

Dixie Daisy

 Dixie Daisy 


From two single file pairs facing (or each side of a double pass thru formation): Leads pull by with a right, do a Left Turn Thru with the one you meet then pull by with a right in the center to stand behind the ones facing out. Finishes in two single file pairs back to back.

Bill Shymkus 1958

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Explode The Line 


From a line of four: Center two step forward and quarter in. End two quarter in and step forward. All now give a right to opposite and pull by. Finishes with couples back to back.

Bill Shymkus 1964

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Spin The Bottle 


From lines facing out: Ends "Circulate" once and a half and do a half right arm turn with the one met as the centers Quarter In and Spin the Top. Finishes in a Tidal Wave.

Bill Shymkus 1969

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Trim A Web 


From the setup obtained from a Squared Set after Heads move in, or Heads Step To A Wave.

  1. Centers Arm Turn 1/2 as Outsides adjust to form two stars of 3;
  2. Outsides Star 2/3
  3. New Outsides adjust to form an In-Facing Couple.

Ends in a Wave between and perpendicular to In-Facing Couples

Bill Shymkus 1970

Trim The Web

 Trim The Web 


From one quarter tag formation: Those int he center wave arm turn half. New ends now walk forward and form a "web" star with the outside two and turn it 2/3 of the way. Person in front of the active goes into the center to hook on the ends of the middle wave. Remaining outside two will turn individually to face the center.

Bill Shymkus 1970

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.



From double pass thru formation or Trade By formation: Centers right arm turn 3/4 with the one they face. Outsides Quarter Right in place. Double pass thru formation finishes in a left hand wave; Trade By finishes as a two faced line. NOTE: Can also be done from one quarter and three quarter tag formations.

Bill Shymkus 1969

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.


 Zig and Zag 


From a single file line of two: Leader does a Quarter right (Zig) and the trailer does a Quarter Left (Zag). NOTE: These terms are often used as an addition to Tag the Line (ie., Tag the Line "Zig Zag").

Bill Shymkus and Jack Lasry 1968

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

28-March-2025 06:56:38
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