Square Dance Calls authored by Jim Earl
3 records
| Grand Curlicue |  |
- Heads Part: Walk forward and Curlicue, then walk to the sides in single file. Lead person turn left and trailing person turn right (back to back with partners at the side position). Now do the same as in Grand Prowl--walk out to the corner of the square and face the head position, then walk forward to the head position, but turn to face in (instead of a Star Thru).
Sides Part: Stand back to back with partner and walk out to the corner of the square to face the head position. Walk forward to the head position to face the center. Go into the center and Curlicue then walk out to the side position in single file, lead person turning left and trailing person turning right.
Everyone does four Curlicues to return home with original partner.
Reverse Grand Curlicue: Do Left Curlicues and the lead person goes right as the trailer goes left.
Alternate Grand Curlicue: First couples into the center do a regular Curlicue with leads turning left and trailers turning right. Next couple in does a Left Curlicue with leads turning right and trailers turning left. Continue alternating until all are home with partners.
- Jim Earl 1967
| Pair Thru |  |
- From facing couples: Pass Thru and turn backs to the center of the set.
- Jim Earl
| Pair Thru All Eight |  |
- From double pass thru formation: Centers Pair Thru and step forward. Trailers step forward and Pair Thru. Finishes in completed double pass thru formation.
- Jim Earl