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Square Dance Calls authored by George Waudby

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2 records

  1. Rainbow Stroll
  2. Rainbow Stroll

This may not be a complete list of all calls authored by George Waudby.

 Rainbow Stroll 


From a Squared Set.

  1. Join hands with partner, take 3 steps toward the center, on beat 4 do a U-Turn Back by turning away from partner;
  2. join hands with new partner (original corner), take 3 steps away from the center, while starting to raise joined hands, on beat 4 do a California Twirl;
Everyone is now with their corner, in a squared set (rotated by 45°).

Repeat 1 and 2, for a total of 4 times, to end with original partner, halfway across the set.

Comments and Examples:

Rainbow Stroll is like Grand Square: dancers need to dance to the beat and not rush it.

George Waudby 1961

 Rainbow Stroll 


This movement was originally named the "Tucson Prowl". From a squared set: All take partner and walk into the center of the set. All quarter out (sort of) and walk out with the corner person to corner's original home spot where all California Twirl. Do this three more times and all will be home again with partners. Gets a little crowded in the middle. Men must be sure to make square corners and walk straight out to the corner spot each time, guiding the corner girl into the proper facing.

George Waudby 1961

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.
28-March-2025 23:26:02
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