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Square Dance Calls authored by John Inabinet

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21 records

 Cast And Swing The Deucey 


From parallel right-hand waves: All arm turn 3/4 and all Step Thru. Those facing out Quarter Right and Circulate once as those facing in make a wave. Centers in the wave Trade then all arm turn 3/4. Finishes in parallel two-faced lines.

John Inabinet 1974

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Cast Thru The Ocean 


From facing pairs: Pass thru, face partner and step into a wave (Pass the Ocean) then cast off 3/4 and the boys (leading dancers) run. Finishes with facing pairs.

John Inabinet 1974

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Chain And Flip The Gears 


From parallel two faced lines: Centers arm turn 3/4, ends circulate. Centers of the wave across the set now Trade to form two four hand stars and turn them 3/4. Centers of the new wave Trade to form two diamonds. Flip The Diamond (Centers diamond circulate, points flip into adjacent centers spots). Finishes in parallel waves.

John Inabinet 1974

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Circle And Spin 


From facing pairs: Circle one quarter with the opposite pair then Merge into a right hand wave and Fan the Top. Finishes in a wave.

John Inabinet 1971

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Curl And Cast To A Wave 


From eight chain thru formation: All Curlicue then centers left arm turn 3/4 and pull by as outside dancers step forward and quarter right. Finishes in parallel right hand waves.

John Inabinet 1973

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Curl And Fold By (Right / Left) 


From regular facing couples: Curlicue, then girls zoom (boys step forward). Finishes in box formation. NOTE: Can be done from any facing pairs in which girls face boys. Do the Curlicue then the leads Zoom as the trailers step up into leaders' vacated spots.

John Inabinet 1974

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Dixie Swing 


From facing couples: Dixie Style to a Wave then Swing Thru (centers turn half by the right, ends turn half by the left). Finishes in a wave.

John Inabinet 1971

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Fan Tag (Right/Left) And Flip 


From a two faced line: Centers arm turn 3/4 and spread. Ends Partner Tag and quarter right or left (as per the call) and then Diamond Circulate. Points then Flip into nearest center of a wave or two faced line.

COMMENT: Dancers have difficulty identifying themselves as points or centers of a "diamond" here. Rotary Tag/Spin Tag movements are really "Top" type moves rather than "Diamond" moves.

John Inabinet 1974

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Flare And Tag The Pair 


From Z formation: Lead and trailing dancers Flare out in a tight circle 3/4 around (i.e., Cloverleaf) to face. Each file of two moves up right shoulder to right shoulder into box formation.

John Inabinet 1975

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Flare The Gears 


From a two faced line (with men on the ends): Girls arm turn 3/4 as the boys roll out in a tight loop full around so their right hands can join the girls' star. Turn the star exactly half where men side step out and hold position as the girls star another quarter. Finishes in a two faced line.

John Inabinet 1972

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Flare The Line 


From a two faced line (with men on the ends): Men roll out in a tight loop 3/4 around as the ladies Trade and give a free hand to the man to be courtesy turned full around. Finishes as couples facing.

John Inabinet 1972

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Fold, Step And Run 


From a wave: Ends and adjacent dancers (neighbors) Fold to face each other. Move up into a right hand wave, then centers Run. Finishes in a two-faced line.

John Inabinet 1972

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Peel, Scoot And Streak 


From Z formation columns: Lead dancers in each file of two Peel Off as trailers step up to form a wave. All now Scoot back and the centers Fan Chain Thru as the ends Circulate twice. Finishes in parallel waves. NOTE: Peel and Streak with a Scoot Back in the middle.

John Inabinet 1974

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Ramble And Deal 


From two parallel two faced lines: The couples facing in will step forward meanwhile, the couples facing out do the Wheel and Deal to face in. Finishes in double pass thru formation.

COMMENT: If we use Will Orlich's definition of "Ferris Anything" Then Ramble and Deal can be called directionally as Ferris Half Tag, Trade and Roll.

John Inabinet 1975

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.



From eight chain thru formation: All Curlicue. End dancers facing out Cast Back to join left hands with trailing dancer (from the other wave) who has taken one step forward. (i.e., end dancers facing in take one step forward). Center four Circulate once and a half and then form a left hand star and turn it half as the ends arm turn half with adjacent dancers. Center four arm turn 3/4 and the outsides circulate half. Finishes in parallel waves.

John Inabinet 1974

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Scoot And Swing To A Line 


From one quarter tag formation: Do a (modified) Scoot Back. Those in the center wave now Swing Thru and Step Thru to do a Centers Out. Finishes in lines facing out.

John Inabinet 1975

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Spin, Star And Spread 


From a wave: All arm turn half, new centers arm turn 3/4 as the ends turn back (turning inward) to form a four hand star. Turn the star half, new ends who joined the star now slide apart as the others continue to star (arm turn) another quarter turn to stand beside them as the centers of a two-faced line.

John Inabinet 1971

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Step And Spin The Wave 


From parallel waves: All Step Thru. Centers Spin the Top. Those facing out do a Partner Hinge to form a Tidal Wave. Ends now stand pat and the center six do a Triple Trade. Finishes in a Tidal Wave.

John Inabinet 1973

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Tag And Run Along 


From double pass thru, completed double pass thru, Trade By or eight chain thru formation: All Partner Tag, centers Run and then Slide Thru with the opposite as the new centers do a Partner Tag. Finishes in various formations depending on starting set up and the sex identities in doing the Slide Thru.

John Inabinet 1974

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Trade And Fan 


From a Tidal Wave: Center two Trade, then each wave of four does a Fan the Top. Finishes in parallel waves.

John Inabinet 1975

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Walk It In/Out 


From a Z formation (wave then ends fold): Walk It In--All move forward into box formation and then Quarter In. Walk It Out--All move forward into box formation and then Quarter Out.

John Inabinet 1975

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.
28-March-2025 23:26:09
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