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Square Dance Calls authored by Jay King

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9 records



From a completed double pass thru formation: Cloverleaf and the center couples Zoom. Finishes in double pass thru formation.

Jay King 1965

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Cross Circulate 


A general term that means dancers who are circulating will change tracks (i.e., from inside to outside and from outside to inside). The traffic pattern is to have those designated do an ordinary Circulate and then half sashay with adjacent dancer to change tracks. NOTE: See Cross Over Circulate and Trade Circulate on the list of Challenge Dancing's Basic Calls.

Jay King 1968

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Daisy's Tea Party 


A variation of Teacup Chain Like a Daisy Chain. This one follows the ordinary Teacup rule in that girls at the heads always make a star whether moving ahead or backward and girls at the sides move directly to the next head position whether moving forward or backward. The head men receive girls from either the left or right and put them in the middle. The side men receive girls from the center star and send them either right or left. Girls progress forward two and back one. Head ladies star right 3/4, side ladies go right for a right arm turn. New head ladies star left once and a quarter, side ladies go right for a right arm turn. New head ladies star left 3/4, side ladies go to the left for a left arm turn. New head ladies star right 3/4, new side ladies go right for a left arm turn. New head ladies star right 3/4, new side ladies go right for a right arm turn. New head ladies star left 3/4, new side ladies go left for a right arm turn. New head ladies star left once and a quarter, side ladies go right for a left arm turn. New head ladies star right 3/4 side ladies go right and all turn partners left to take the next call.

Jay King 1971

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Left T.N.T. 


From a Trade By or double pass thru formation: Centers Left Turn Thru as outsides turn back. Finishes in eight chain thru or completed double pass thru formation.

Jay King 1970

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Mini Buster 


From facing lines (with girl on one end and boy on the other): Ends Pass Thru, on to the next and Star Thru. Centers do a Left Turn Thru. Finishes in either completed double pass thru or eight chain thru formation.

Jay King 1970

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Spin Chain The Gears 


From two parallel waves or eight chain thru formation (if started in eight chain thru formation, the first arm turn is by the right): All arm turn half, then all Fan Back (centers arm turn 3/4 and ends U-turn back). Centers of the wave across the set trade. Form two four-hand stars and turn each star exactly three quarters (those facing out in each star will meet in the center of the set when the 3/4 turn is completed). New centers of the wave across the center trade and then arm turn 3/4 with the ends. The other four dancers do a U-turn back. Finishes in parallel waves. NOTE: Whit invented the movement; I only contributed the name.

Whit Whitcomb and Jay King 1971

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Spin, Star And Turn 


From a wave: All arm turn half, new centers arm turn 3/4 and ends turn back (turning inward) to form a four hand star. Turn the star exactly half, at which point the ends who joined the star spread and U-turn back (inward) as the centers star another quarter to stop between them as centers of a new wave.

Jay King 1971

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.

 Swing And Curl 


From facing pairs: Swing Thru then ends Crossfold. Finishes in a Z-formation. (The original idea was "All Swing half then Curl the Line").

Jay King 1964

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.



From a double pass thru or Trade By formation: Centers Turn Thru, outsides U-turn back. Finishes in eight chain thru or completed double pass thru formation.

Jay King 1970

This definition is from The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing by Jay King.
It is provided here for informational and educational purposes only.
28-March-2025 23:26:10
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